Wednesday, June 7, 2017

transgender man giving birth ..........

I   have to say ..........i find  this post absolute  and utter bolocks .......... ....its  a woman  changed over to a man .............he/she .......has  all the plumbing to have  a kid  biologically ...........born men ............. cannot  have  babies really its  just a  waoman who has had a  dick transplant  knocked  up .......

It is what it  is is  the point  ....if you  are  born a  woman  .....your  mind is  wired  like  a bint ........... simple  a man  wired like  man !!!!!!

Now you  might say  ..........i am  being a bastard   for  saying this .......... ...well i am an  honest  bastard............this  dude  stilll looks like manly looking bitch..........  its  still a bitch !!!!!!!!!!  even if you  sew on  balls and a dick ............  it she  was  born a  women................  so she it can still have  babies  ........... men  cannot.............. what part of  that  does stupid  fucking   brainwashed  americans  not understand ...........

Heres  a fact ...........if you are   born in the  southside  of  Boston .........your  a  Bostonnian are  not irish!!!!!!   all the  fucking guinness  ........and  shite  cabbage ....... and  corned  beef  you  eat ...........   you will still be  form  boston are  irish  descent .......even if you have red  hair  ...........and  freckles ......your  still an american.........

Now you  could  say i am  being clinincal  about the whole deal  ................why do people   hate the truth .............its  really fucking weak and  stupid ......the  guy  is a  woman..........  born a  woman  ......simple why  does  this  idiot retard   not just  say i am  a  woman...........  who  once    wanted  to be a  women i am knocked up with a balls  and  a  dick .....

transgender  is  just a word........  made  up   to escape  reality  of  real meaning ,.........

political correctness ......... is  killing  america   truly .....america  is  using  political  corectness    becasue of  fear .........thats  all ......

simple  fact........ is  this is  not  biolgical miracle  ............of  scientific  proportions   ..........its  a chick  who  got  a  wang ............ and is  knocked  up .....simple  whats  so   hard  to ingest  .......

american  media  is  atrocious  .........on   every level of  humanity  ....its so deceitful......... and   lies  to its poeple   .... but its  all down  to ratings     of  course  ...........the  white  men who  run  the  media ............simple  fact ....and  as  long as  you  have  made up  girls  .............and pussy whipped  guys in suits stephanopolis ..........michael moore .........matt lauer .......grovelling  for  apaycheck   they will always   dispense   media  filth   .......

Transgender man Trystan Reese is pregnant with partner Biff Chaplow

Trystan Reese, a transgender man, is pregnant with the couple’s child. Picture: Facebook
TRYSTAN Reese has short dark hair, a thick beard and a protruding belly that peeks out from the waistband of his trousers. It’s a baby bump — he is 35 weeks pregnant.
Trystan is a transgender man who has not undergone gender reassignment surgery. He and his partner Biff Chaplow, who live in Portland in the US, are preparing to welcome the child they conceived naturally.
The couple already have two children — they adopted Biff’s niece and nephew out of a troubled home — and shared their story on the popular parenting podcast The Longest Shortest Time.
Here they explain what their pregnancy experience has been like.
On finding out they were pregnant:
Before the couple decided they wanted to fall pregnant, Trystan was taking testosterone, which meant he grew facial hair and stopped getting his period — but it came back after he stopped taking his hormones.
Trystan and Biff tried for months to fall pregnant but were having little luck.
“One morning I woke up and I felt really, really bad,” Trystan said on the podcast.
“Like I had a fever bad, like lying on the tiles of the bathroom floor because how cool they are — feels good on your face kind of bad.
“And I randomly grabbed one of the tests and it came back positive. And I was like ‘Oh my God, this is actually happening’. I had to go wake [Biff] up and I was like ‘Ah I’m pregnant.’
“He was a little bit sleepy but he was just like ‘I told you so.’ So that’s still, like, romantic. He said ‘I’m really excited to start planning for you. But like is it OK with you if I go back to sleep now?’”
On people’s reactions:
“There just hasn’t been an ounce of transphobia from anyone I have come in contact with,” Trystan said.
“I can feel someone looking at my face and searching for the remnants of womanhood.
“They kind of squint their eyes a little bit and I can tell they’re trying to take away my beard, they’re trying to de-transition me in their heads.
“Because it’s still freezing cold in Portland, I’m able to layer. So with like a chunky sweater, a long open coat, and then like a drapey scarf, you cannot tell at all.”
On the changes his body has experienced:
“It’s been really awesome. And that’s like not cool to say,” Trystan said.
“You’re supposed to, like, complain about your ankles or whatever. But I’ve been having a blast being pregnant,” he said of the pregnancy.
“Feeling the movements has been so cool. The kids every night will read stories to my belly. It’s just been really awesome.”
On telling his Mum:
“I didn’t know what her response was going to be and I didn’t want to put her on the spot with the expectation that she was going to fawn and gush,” he said.
“I wrote like five or six drafts of the email just to make sure that I got it right. And she wrote back right away. ‘Congratulations I know you’re going to be great dads. There’s no reason why only screwed up people should have kids’.”
On telling his two kids, Riley and Hailey:
Riley was worried about what the other kids at school would say if they knew his Dad was pregnant.
“He tried to ask us if we would pretend like the baby was just our cousin that we were babysitting,” Trystan said.
“[For him] it’s literally like just anything to have this not be our baby that my dad gave birth to. So, you know, we’re happy to let him protect himself however he needs, but there is a limit. And pretending that this baby is not ours is where the line is drawn.”
But Hailey is super stoked that her Dad is pregnant.
“She has told everybody in her class that her dad is transgender and is having a baby and she’s going to be a big sister. So we’ve kind of gotten to see it play out,” Trystan said.

Crossover Kids

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Dateline looks at the complex issues surrounding transgender children.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......