Wednesday, June 7, 2017

microbeads in face scrubs ........

 As i love to cover  all  sorts of  topics ......i find this one  fascinating  .....when you  buy face  scrub ....those Little  fellers ........... that exfoliate your  piehole ....are toxic on every level .........

they do not  dissolve  ..........they are   plastic  and ...........go into the ocean  they have  found  these  guys inside  seafood ...............mammals..........  and so on  and so  forth .............

And you are sitting there  thinking,,,,,,,,,, why  do i  care  .....i fucking don't  !!!!!!!!.......never  have !!!!!!!! never  will see the planet is  fucked  ............we fucked it   know  the half way line ......we are past that .......its not  negative ......... its a fact .......we  are   killing species  every  day .......and  we  will not  stop  till everythiing is  gone ..........

So as i  do not  consume  animals.......... on any level  ........ including seafood ......our  whole   food  chain  riddled  with pesticides  ......

yes you have  organinc .........  but  most of that is  bollocks ......... there  are  some  genuine   ones ........  but a lot have been  exposed  as  buying normal .........and selling organic ....... you know  why  ,.....guess  why  money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you got it ...........they charge more......... and  stupid cunts  ........ usually go to  these  fucking asshole  green markets .......which have  been  found out to be  scams listed  below .........n case  you think i am  blogging  ............. just  for   the  sake of  blogging ........nope  !!!!!!

So when you finish.......... you can  enjoy that too .....

Back to the micro beads  .....six  degrees  of seperation here  a strange  scenario.....these beads  have been found  in fish  that people  eat .......
now  here is  a  twisted  thought of  mine  ..........say you   like   some  fresh caught  halibut  ............and you  get it  .....well the chances of  it having micro beads...........  are    good imagine  some  hooker   ........... washed her  face .........  after  a  nasty  truck  driver ..........jacked off  in her face .......... in a  truck stop  parking lot  not only are  you eating  her  make  up ........ have  eaten his  jizz !!!!!!!!!....bon appetit  Mon Ami !!!!!!!....just a thought see  where I am  going  and when you  have  a shit  after  your  halibut ..........they are  going back into the you  might  have   eaten someones  ass  too again ........and   again .....they do not   dissolve .......all that with tartar  sauce  ........

But who cares ......... vanity is  more important than  the  envoirnment ...........women don't  care  .............if they did.........   they would  stop  buying make up ............  tested  on rabbits  and monkeys  ..........nope !!!!! gotta  Look  good  .....

after all you think Johnson and Johnson  give  a  fuck about rabbits  and  monkeys!!!!!!!  they care  about the  price  you pay  for  make up ............simple  fact those  micro beads   do  get six degrees  of  separation  ...........who knows  what your  eating when you eat seafood ......still  calamari  and  prawns ........yummy ....and  some   ones  ass!!!!!!!............

Plastic microbeads in facial scrubs causing damage to environment

Vanity - and our vulnerability to the power of advertising - are changing consumer habits from breakfast to bedtime, and contributing to an almighty environmental mess. The culprit: microbeads.
These are minute bits of plastic that have been inserted into everyday products from facial creams to toothpaste, proclaimed in advertising as a healthy advance but which are turbo-charging an already dire problem - the global pollution of oceans, lakes and rivers by cast-off plastic.
What makes microbeads especially threatening is that they enter the environment - washed down our bathroom drains - already broken down into all-but invisible microplastics, defined as 0.1 to 0.5 millimetres in size.
Tiny and buoyant, and not filtered by sewerage systems, they are swiftly ingestible by marine life, making them more immediately dangerous than a discarded drink bottle. They are likely to have entered the food chain - so while you wouldn't eat your facial scrub from the jar, you might be consuming it if you eat fish.
And for what benefit to ourselves - to our skin?
Almost none. According to Associate Professor Greg Goodman, a fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, our modern obsession with scrub

as promised  for you the  green market scams ...........where there  are fools  there  are people  ready to take your cash !!!!!!

6 Farmers’ Market Scams

Don’t let vague claims and lax rules ruin your favorite farmer’s market.

May 7, 2012
Farmers’ markets are hot business nowadays. The number of markets shot up 17 percent last year, and in a recent survey from Mintel market researchers, 52 percent of people said it’s more important to buy local produce than organic, which will likely drive the growth even more.
And that’s great—if you’re more concerned about where your food comes from than how it was grown. People tend to equate farmers’ markets and “local” food with clean, wholesome food. That’s true in many cases—but not all of them. Farmers’ markets have become so popular that they’re being co-opted by wholesalers, retailers, and farmers who may be local but not so committed to a sustainable food system. If you’re looking for farmers’ markets that sell the kind of healthy, down-on-the-farm food most of us equate with farming, arm yourself with this info to ward off farmers’ market fraud.
Myth: All farmers’ markets sell local food.
Fact: There are two types of market models: real farmers’ markets and “farm markets” where buyers resell produce they bought at wholesale markets. The produce is usually not local and often comes from faraway states or other countries. For a while, some grocery stores were even selling their own produce in their parking lots and calling those “farmers’ markets.” To find the real thing, look for “producer-only” markets, meaning that the farmers at the market grew the food they’re selling on their own farms, explains Bill Duesing, president of the Northeast Organic Farming Association. Find out if your favorite market is producer-only by asking the director or market coordinator. And use your own judgment: If your local market is selling watermelons in May, they’re probably not local!

Myth: Local = organic.
Fact: Local farmers that aren’t certified organic are just as able as the big guys to use pesticides linked to ADHD, autism, diabetes, and hormone disruption. So don’t assume that just because a farmer shows up at a small market, his or her produce is pesticide-free.  Under the USDA’s National Organic Program, farmers who market their product as “organic” must become certified by a USDA-accredited third party and keep very detailed records regarding their farming practices. There is an exception: If growers earn less than $5,000 a year, they can legally market their produce as organic, provided they keep records to prove they are organic. They just don’t have to go through the certifying process.
There are some farmers who do use legitimate organic growing practices but choose not to enter the certification process, but technically, they’re not allowed (legally) to say their produce is organic. Bottom line: If a farmer is marketing food as organic, ask if he or she is certified by the USDA. If the answer is no, ask how weeds and insects are controlled (more about that coming up).


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......