Wednesday, June 7, 2017

mac donalds brawl

Mac Donald's brawl .....what do you expect from mac Donald's ...........not  fine  dining .......its cheap  and with cheap..........  brings lowlife hillbilly .....look at wal -mart after midnight ......

 shit kicking mentality .......MacDonald's is  really  just the lowest  of  foods ....... if you call its  dining........... your a  fucking moron  .....its  bad  shit  Carib ridden  food ........... that slowly kills people ......thats not  to say i  do not  eat there.......... its  quick .............its  cheap  and  its  shite  is  good .....

but what  kind of  person  do you  want to  get from  such  places......

In America  know one  knows  how  to dine ............. they eat ............consume  its  a fact .......knowing how to  eat  comes  from a  deep  culture meatballs is  not  fine  dining fucker !!!!!!!!!!...........there are   cultures  that take  dining seriously .........

You see to me   .........dining and food  and food  related  stuff way overrated...........  and priced  ............ becasue  after all it turns  to shit.......fact ......

people  like  dinner parties ......why .........well its  a chance  to show off might   have money  and  you get  to  show  bitch  friends .......... your  house ......but the food is the  only reason people  come  to your  house think  people   come  to your  house  to sit and listen to you  brag ............and  boast about your  shit  .......hell no !!!!!!!you have to  disguise your   house  to show in the  means of  a dinner   party .......  where   food  and  drinks  are  offered   because we all know  cunts  only  come  for food and  drinks ............. much like  weddings  food  or  drink  .......... see how  many of your  friends   show up .......the  free  bar and  the  reception ........

so  .......... some  hangry  bitch..........   by the looks  of  her  a trailer  park  .......... meth  addicted .........  disease  ridden  .............parasitical........ and  i will bet single mum .......... dad  flew  the  coop  ............ no wonder   who wants  to  bang a  ragged out  bitch  ..............yes you got it .......... some  desperate  fucker  will !!!!!!!!!!......there is no  shortage  pf  desperate  men ..........  looking   to fuck a   pig ..............scared to be alone ...... simple  fact  really!!!!!!.....anyways ......... what else  were  you expecting  from  MacDonald's  ...............really  !!!!!!civilized people .......fuck no its  McDonald's !!!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......