Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The subject of rape ........

The subject of rape ........ is a multi layered intricate  subject's why !!!!!!.......

First off man  ........and i mean...... no man .........has the  right to fuck a woman without her permision...... or   otherwise .......just how it is  .......if you rape a woman .......your  not a man not to mention jail time .......where you get raped .................if you cant get sex  without charm.......... and   endeaveour ..........then your a  fucking loser !!!!!!! with that  out the  way ......

Here is  adisturbing fact  about women .........and  rape!! ......a  survey was  done  many years  ago ............regarding rape ............professors....... interviewed a  shit load of  women ......... and i mean ...a  shit load  ...........and  asked  them....... what their  fantasy  was's the  kicker  ..........67-73% of women  fantasized .........about being raped  if you hav a  mere  gram of  mathematical  genuis .......... thats  2 out 3......yep!!!!!! ......scary huh  !!!!..........

But that's  just a  fanatsy ............that women  would not  think of  turning into reality  ....we  all know  how women  are  !!!!!!  ....they  just wanna  be mummies .......!!!!!!!

There is  no  excuse  for  rape .........on any level some  cultures  like  islam  ..........and even in the  bible  rape has  been in mentioned..........   but  not in the  most foremost text's usually like  all things........ under  the guise of  religion  ...........its  coated in  bullshit  !!!!..........its  easier  to swallow ........ when your  mind  is  numbed   by   a book ........ wrtitten  by men  ....where   women  are classed   as   underlings  in their  minds ...........

If you get a woman  drunk ........and she passes out .......... and you fuck  her........  that's rape  ........its not consented .......... in the  eyes of  the law............although in some  cultures   ........the  law  is  shite ...........and  can  be bought  .........or  usually like in india.........  run  by men .......and where  women  are labially  circumcised   ...........  not  to have pleasure  ......

Many third  world  cultures  are  ignoarnt  .........on a  myriad  of levels ..........and they are archaic  to a point .............where  women  have  no rights ............or  say in  any level of  society .....especially in   muslim religions....... and  similar  beliefs ......just look at  adam and  eve  ...its was  adam and  lilith  ...but she  made  adam look  bad ......think i am lying !!!!nope!!!!cannot have  a women making a man look  bad in them days .......ego  all things  ego  with a know how  they love  comparing  sizes a  homo  erotic o way.......check out  my hemi man !!!!!!!!!.....or  in america  the old  saying  ...."he  who  checks out with the most toys  wins" ............kind of strange  when you  have  to  be  dead  before you win ......!!!!!.....

As  anyone  knows..........  as i have said  on  many  rants .....there are only two kinds of  poeple ......... leaders.......... and  followers ......and there is no  shortage of  followers ........... hence..........  the  reason the  vatican is  the wealthiest landowner  in the  world............. and its a sovreign  city ........ need your passport  stamped...........   although its  in italy  ..........its no a part of italy  did it get that  rich ........and powerful ...........well if you dont know this one  .........your  a fucking  absolute retard ........ and  deserved  to be  euthanized  ..........

here is  another  sidebar to rape  .....i know  this will   upset  a  person or three  .,.......but if  woman gets  raped ......... she has  to have it aborted  .....if she  doesnt .........shes as  bad as the rapist ....... why would  you   even consider  a  child  through rape  the genes  .........are just going to be  bad ...........maybe i am  cold  ........and   emotionless .......  ....but imagine you have to  tell your  child   your   were  conceived   through rape  .......... this would  have such an  effect on a child   .......spare  the  child one in their  right mind  would  entertain   gross  violence on  any level  could  one  stare at a life  and wonder  .......all it is  a  constant memory of   absolute violence .........

 Either ..........that its a  fucking case of  desperation........... and  no cunt will fuck you  simple .....becasue you desperately  want a  kid.......

there is  no silver  linings in an act of  violence ever ........

there  are no mistakes  in life  ...its  a  choice  a human being  makes ......

you are  not  forced  to shove a bacon sandwich in your  piehole ..........its  a choice,,,,,,,, becasue you like it .........its not a  choice  to take  heroin experimented  and you liked  it .......

most addcitions........ and pleasures  ...... are   acheived  through experimentation ......its  a human  trait .........its  how  some  people  get fucked ..........experimneting ......hey!!!!!! ...... hey ........ let me  see what the  fuck i can do with a home  made   firework ...........boom !!!!!!!there  goes  your   fucking arm   ......dumbass !!!!!!......unfortunatley  you  ......  only have  two arms if you  dont learn  by the first  ,....then your  a  fucking  dumbass ....!!!!!!!

how does one  determine if a  drug is  dangerous ...........  one  can tell you  ..........until you board the happpy bus ...........on for thr ride ,...punch your  ticket  sir !!!!!!!.......

the  seventies  was one  of the greatest experiments  ever........and i  can bet your  balls  to a barn  dance ........ there  was  many  kids  born  through   an experiment  especially wooodstock .........

so rape  its not good  .........why !!!!!....why ......would  any man in his  rioght mind   ........ risk  going to  prison  for   5-10  yers.......   for  forcng sex ...........i have to say........ i like pussy /vagina /vag/twat/cunt/the canal/the booyah .......however you  culturally  affectionately  name  it ...........but maybe if you stopped to think might be  cheaper  to buy it .........
And  the  funny underbelly of it ........ when a man  rapes a  woman  ..........he  gets  raped  when he  goes  to  jail .......hows that!!!!!!!  you  fucking twat it not funny how   men  rape  each other in  jail .......meant to be  men .....but they all   indulge  in rape therefore  .....what  does it say  .....!!!!!!!!!go figure einstein !!!!!!....

Here is a   wack thing about women........ we  love them ........  if your  a hot  blooded  male  .......but all women want a bad  boy  .........nice  guys  come  second  always  ........they want their hair pulled  and  ass slapped  .....and then  they want to change  them ..........its the insanity of the  female  mind  .........i have  read  many .......many......  and i mean  many books  ..........

women  want a man.......   the  very thing that attracts  them  to him........... as  soon as  they  get him............ they want to change  him .........its  an in herently  genetic pre-disposition .........

And once  they  have changed him .........they  do not like  the  new   ...what  we  called  pussy whipped  version ..... version ,........its  isanity in a  womens  mind  ..........but they   have  what all men  ........and   ususally women want!!!!!!!  the  juicy parts  .........that men  love .....thats why they are alway chasing them ,.........oh and dont roll your  fucking eyes at me  like its  lies !!!!!!!!!!

But  there is no need  to rape a  women ........ on  any level .......pure  and simple  ............jail is  what  a man  deserves ...........its the law .........of  a  civilized  country .....if there was no laws..........  we  would  be  barabarians  like third  world  fuckers ........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......