Wednesday, June 7, 2017

chinese ....they have no respect for life at all.......

Chinese people  have no respect for life all ......this one is disgusting .......feeding a  donkey to a live tiger  ............why!!!! ....... well........  guess  why of  course !  .....a  financial dispute  here  is the solution feed a live  donkey to the tigers ......

Chinese people are only interested in greed ....... and  have  no  respect for anything living .......they have the dog eating festival ............yes  a dog eating festival you can parlay this  on a myriad of levels ........

China overpopulated ...........and third  world makes  shit for us cunts to buy at  Wal-mart  ...............and tarjet ........or  as   normal  cunts  say  target .......because  people only care  about a fucking bargain  ..........i  included .......why not ...........its a human  sickness ........

Bargains .........and a cheap deal ..........are  like  bacon .......everyone loves them   ........but know one gives a  flying fuck  how  they  get it  ....simple  ....its  a human  beings  fucked up  mental  condition ..........if they had to sit and watch it ........they probably would  have an  emotional  reaction .......or  maybe  not !!!!!!..........some  cunts  are  just   brain dead  ........

Chinese people  really  are  a  fucking disgusting culture  ............they will eat  anything  ..........and  have  stupid  ass   old folk medicine  beliefs eating shark fin soup ......or   tiger paw  soup  ......and they have  no regard  for  life  at  all ......they only see  animals  as  food .............where in  actual  fact ..............human beings  are  herbivorous .......yes we  are designed to eat  plants  ......but  as we all know.........its  easy to  brainwash   any  cunt  ......... who wants  brainwashing .........herbivorous in case your a stupid  cunt ............  and  think its  a  genital  disorder  ............because you are too  fucking  lazy to educate yourself .............means plant only consumption ..........ahhhhhh!!!!! say and i have heard morons  say this !!!!!!!.....i would  die  if i could not  eat  meat !!!!!!!!............this   statement  mean's  your a  fucking   really  dumb fucking asshole  and you should have been  aborted  at   birth ......with  blunt  instruments.....

Being herbivorous means ..........your  jaws  will move for  side  to side ...........aka  grinding motion ......yep   that's  us  ........animals ........ wolves........   dogs............  tigers ......etc on....... and so  forth .......those and  many  other  animals in the   group   ..........cannot  move their  jaws from side  to side  ........pulling and  grabbing............yes  they are  carnivorous ..........and in case your head is  jammed up . your   stupid  ass .......!!!!!!!!!they have a  different  digestion  system.......

so  meat..............  like  everything .......we were  indoctrined into  it why !!!!!!!! may ask ............oh well it goes  back to the old  appendage marriage  ...........invented  for  money  buying a  wedding ring not  worth a  fuck ...........price  set  by  DE beers  of London.......its carbon........... yes carbon are wearing carbon!!!!!! ..........but in  a  women's  mind ......... its  valuable  ....that's because......... you need something to wear .......... to fill the void of  emptiness .....sparkly  things.............  detract  an empty  vessel  form  the reality ,,this was  figured out      way back   when  marriage  was invented  for the sole purpose of  business ............. you to be  brainwashed...........  because society  tells your  brainwashed  ass  ..........and  becasue you have  no  Faith in your  own  belief  system believe  what every  cunt  tells  you .........there is  a  word  for  its  called gullible when cunts tell you  you must get married  and have  kids  or you will end  up  all alone .........  news  for you   you end up  alone  a   fucking  box  anyways ........

If  we  do not have   followers .............. how  does  society make  money build mall ...........and  shops  and  have fictitious  things......... like  Christmas .......and thanksgiving and  days  where  all  bullshit holidays...........  were invented  by  men .......... for  men........   for the  sole purpose of money........

yes !!!!!!!money can  buy  .........and   manipulate ............ weak minded  consumer  driven  rat  you want .......all you have to  do is  offer  the  chance of  a dream ..........which if you had a  gram of  sense  ...........its  called enslavement ...........trap a person into  buying things they  cannot afford   ............offer  them a  system called  credit  .......and they work  to  make it great........   so they can  afford  to get stuff  they cant  afford.............which  devalues faster  than the  money they  make ........then  let them  work for   a  denomination of  money they  can   pay for the  stuff that devalues faster  than what they are paying    ..........and !!!!!!'s  the kicker ............. miss  miss that payment one  time   ....and your  fucked  are scolded  like a school child ........

Its  basically called  enslavement ....the only difference  between  this  ..........and black enslavement ........... is your  are financially chained  and your  not  raped  every day  by a white  man ...........  pretending he  cares  ......the white  man  now is    a  corporation...

The  saddest part  of this  rant is ..........not only is  the  donkey   being  fed  to the  tigers  .........there   is   people  who are grovelling for a paycheck .......... actually doing the  dirty  work  for  the spineless  cunts  that approved  this   inhuman  animal's   torture ....

You see ...........!!!!! as long as you have  a  man  who  has  no  dignity.......... and  is  desperate ...............there will always  be  a man  with money   capitalizing on his  misery .........yes ..........its  called  a corporation  does  one  do this  ................well its  structured  ..........when a married man  has to work  ...........he has  no  choice  personally ....... and i am sure you all  have   ..unless your a  bunch of  fucking liars  ........ ...have heard  a  man  say this  mantra ............."i have  no choice  ..............i have a wife  and kids to feed ." is  all about  choices one  forces you ...........unless you are  kidnapped ........ and held  hostage  for  a  ransom  of  money  ............much  like  women  do with  children In a  divorce  case .....they are  basically   subliminal  kidnappers  and  are evil  by  nature .....just a point ....

Choices made  the choice  to sell your  single life  for a  life  of   enslavement ..........when you have  no   choice .......... your a  slave  to  a  system  ............a  corrupt  system  ...where  you  are  basically a commodity ............used  by  people   who need  people  to  be used  for   business..............simple  ...........but you are  rewarded  by a paycheck...............  which you   do not get  to  enjoy  ..............because you are  surviving ...............not existing .......there is  a remarkable  difference  ..........between  survival and  existence ...........when you exist you get to  choose .......when you  are surviving you  have  to  grovel  to live ..........

Chinese  people ..........have no self respect their culture  is  sub human ............ they have    really  archaic  stupid  cultural beefs ........... their  system is ......they are   massively brainwashed  on a  gargantuan  scale  ......and they  have  no self individual thought .the asain culture  is  like this on many levels ..............they are  very...... very ...... greedy  .........and  a  very  racist people ........ they do not  like  anyone  but their  own  culture ......... .....i have  seen it  ....they are  very corrupt  nation of  people .......dishonest ...on   many levels .......its  not a tale its the  truth .......

In china ........they have a  saying .......if it walks  under the  table  .........they will eat it .......

Chinese  people  have  a  very unusual cruel way  of  making meat  taste   Good.........  they beat it  to  death so it tastes   better ...........  because  as  we  all know  .......... when an  animal pisses itself .......... the muric  acid   flavours the  meat ........of  course you all knew it ................where do you think meat  gets  its  taste..........!!!!!! long as  they make  money ...........they   have no feeling  regarding  animal  life  ......

i have no respect  for  any human being  that has  nor  respect for  life ......

animals ........ as well as  human  beings  are  living things  .....

i personally think ........... human beings  are   worse  than  animals  ......... animal  kill  for  food    human  beings   kill  for  pleasure ......

67% of all grain in  America is  grown for  animal  food ...........

beef is  a big business   .........and  as long as  people  believe ........... and are   indoctrinated ........ and  brainwashed  like  zombies  to believe  that they cannot live  without meat .......then  it will always  be a  very wealthy business .....


Video Shows Live Donkey Being Fed To Tigers In Chinese Zoo Dispute

 Carla Herreria,HuffPost 6 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......