Wednesday, June 21, 2017

the electric daisy carnival just the name

A womans 24 year old  son  died form  Ecstasy at the electric daisy  carnival......hmmmmmmmmm.............let me think fucking shit Sherlock!!!!!!!! .......i mean  what do you  expect ................first of the  son who is   is a  24 year old  fully grown ass  man !!!!!well he should be .......

He knew the risks  by taking molly/beans/E/Ecstasy............and this woman  wants  to sue    for  what!!!!! .......

Just the  name.........  tells you its a  fucking  drug   dance .............i mean........... if  it  was   called like the  Quakers  marmalade making...........  and  furniture polishing   dance..........  then it might be  safe ..........

the electric daisy carnival  quite the thing ....i mean if you  wanna  have  fun.......... there is  a price..........  he  was old  enough  to know   better ................

Listen up  you  fucking mothers have to let  go of  your  sons ......stop   being sickly attached  to them  ..............they are  grown ass  men .......

there is  something wrong with  women...........  who   says........ that  hes  my baby  ......syndrome!!!!!! fuck off  he  is  a   fully grown ass  man  fucking bunts ...........  or  dudes...........   ........whatever  he   is into ......or  animals   .....if  he lives in   Alabama  Tennessee or   Arkansas.......

This is  why men  turn into pussies..............  leave them  go  ............stop  being mothers ........... they will  fuck a  broad  ...............have  kids............  and you will just be a granny  ............ babysitting for him ............ while him  and the wife ............ go  out and  party ..........( and  do ecstacy).......... and  fuck   for  a break ........... its  what you  become  is a babysitter ......

A son  must cut ties  ............if  he  want to  move on with his wife..............  the wife  does not wanna  compete  with the  mother   .............its  twisted  as fuck ....................unless she  baby sits ........... of  course  ...........or  looks  after the kids.........  when she  leaves  her  Son  .......... see that on springer a lot ....

however.............   how  is  she  going to sue ...........he took  an illegal  drug  ...........  is she mental .............. ecstasy is  illegal ................her  son should have  known  better  ....

here is  what i mean ............. if you  hang  around with a man............  called  AL the  meat cleaver know  he is  going to be  trouble...........   its  all in the  name  .....

The  electric  daisy festival..............  is  drugs   people  rolling off  their  fucking heads.............   drinking............ and  fucking ............. thats  what its  all about !!!!!!!!! ....simple  .....its tough  you  lost your  Son ........

he  should have been   taught  ........... some  sense  obviously not..............  it  happens  every weekend  USA ....and of  course  what else would you expect  from  LAS VEGAS !!!!!!!!!

The Electric Daisy Carnival was grossly unprepared for medical emergencies, and as a result, a 24-year-old man died after taking Ecstasy ... according to his father, who's now suing Live Nation and the festival's founder. Nicholas Tom attended the annual 3-day festival in Las Vegas back in 2015. His father, Terry Tom, admits Nicholas popped Ecstasy during the concert -- and in 110 degree heat -- had a seizure and started foaming at the mouth. In the suit, Mr. Tom says good Samaritans came to Nicholas's aid ... carrying him around looking for a medical tent, which took more than 30 minutes. Once they did, he claims volunteer staffers had no medical experience, and the actual medics had "their ...


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......