Wednesday, June 21, 2017

dogs and humans

This is why human beings mostly suck .......why bother  getting a dog............. when you  know you  cannot look after it........... these  are the lowest of  all human  beings  ....

I personally put them  up there with pedophiles ........that's a  bit strong you say .........why!!!!!! a life  ...would'nt do it with your  kids know why!!!!!  ...because its  a  hypocritical weakness .....

actually some pathetic mothers  have given  up there  kids the  corealtion  of giving up  kids  and   dogs  ..............well there is  deranged ............ and  selfish......... and  disgusting sick in the head  do you   have to be  to give up  your  kids ......

it really is  not that  much   to  go  and buy a condoms............  if you  can buy a  beer .......... or  a pack of  smokes ............ you can afford  a condom .......i mean you know when you  are  getting a  dick in your pussy ............... you must  know  you  might get  knocked  up ......unless your  a  fucking  retard .......just a  point!!!!!!......

A dog is a  life .......... not  an acqiusition for you  to show off  to get attention to just shows you   how  many  fucking asshole  scumbags  there  are ..........  by the  amount of  dogs in shelters   ..........there is  no excuse  should  think   long term  before  buying a dog............ or   having a  baby  .....

but most  people  don't............. they   just   only care  about themselves .....that's  why the world is   full of  orphaned  kids  ...........and   abandoned    dogs ......and  cats !!!!!!.......and snakes in the  everglades ......

I do  hope  this  guy  gets  an incurable disease and loses  his  nutsack or  dick !!!!!!!

Guy Breeds Dog …Then Decides He Doesn’t Want to Care For Her or 10 Puppies

OneGreenPlanet 14 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......