Sunday, June 25, 2017

the dating game ....when your older........

Here is a  subject that that has no  benefits when your older  ......

When you are older  dating is like well   you are at  thrift store

you are  getting  someone  else   hand me  downs  or  discards......

its  like you are wearing and old pair of  used  underpants ......

the  elastic is  worn  ....they are stained  .....the  crotch  is  gone .....and thread  bare .......

when you   date  ....... when you are  older are  getting what the  fuck is  left  from   someone else's  discard .....

When you are a  guy  dating  a  broad ......... when you are older ..........the chances of  getting  sane  women  are   slim to  absolute  fucking none.......

the women is  whats left of  marriage..........  and  used  up  are  gone......... she is  starting ...........or is in midstream  memo pause......and she is  not looking to  act or  be like  Young chick ..(aoart from a few cougars who missd their youth and  wanna start to play but theyr are old )........ when you were  dating ........

You know when you started  it was  all    ......drinking .....fucking  anywhere ......

She  probably is  not into   fucking crazy ass shit...... like  young  chicks  ........she is  thinking by  10  o  clock    she has  to be  up  for  work .......

and the chances of  her  being a  single  mum  are  really  fucking high .......

Older dating.......... is just  a  like a  used  car lot .....your   getting a high mileage  vehicle .....some  rust .....dents  ....worn   seats  .....its  smokes a little  ....may need  a tune  up ......but the price is  right .......
the owner  before  you  drove it into the fucking ground the seats  are  all fucked up ......the  tyres are  worn  the  gearbox is worn ......
he has  had  the Best years  ........and  now  he  has  bought  newer  younger  version  ....and you are left with the  old   banger ......

All you get when you date  .........when you are  older  is  an old  discard   same  for women .....its  just how it is  .....

you are getting   something  that someone else  got  fed  up with............ and  tossed  into the  bin ......simple  fact ......

they got  tired ........ and wanted  something Else  new!!!!!!!......

the only  positive side to is  cannot  knock her  up .....memo pause is  good  in that respect .......

And the  same with women .......your  chances  are  you getting a  guy that  has   lost his house  ......... still doing  child  support ....and his wife is  still giving him  large  ...(grief)....and he    has  to deal with  kids  and  still working to pay her  ass .......its a  two  way street  ......

But  people  still wanna  fall in love  ......... even with an old  burst  couch .....why .......terrified  of  being alone ......
its  been  brainwashed  .......and indoctrinated  from  families into peoples   heads ........parents will always  tell their kids...........  you  must  marry............  have  a family  be miserable like  me........ i did  it you have  to ......

because  guilt is  used  by parents..........  to  keep a  family   going  on  .......especially in small  towns .........  that are  breeding stalls  ...........and people  cannot  seem to  get away ......

even when they  fuck up .......... they  keep  on going  and   having   multiple  families  ..........its  expected  from them  .....just  how it  is  .......

Parents  convince their  kids  that life is  not about anything else  other  than  getting married .......... having kids ........... settling down ............ and  having a job ......its  what parents  do  .....

I  saw this shit  unfold  growing up in  small minded  town ..........even in little  tiny towns in USA ....
all the parents  cared  about was  getting  grand children  that's  it  ....
they   did not care  about  how a person  felt  .....
it   was  about them  getting  grand kids ......and if they did not they were outsiders  .....

Its  an indoctrination process...........  passed  down the family ............  and  everyone  wants  to be liked ...........  and  loved  so they  do what they are  told  ...
you see it all the  time  even in movies  which  is  pure  shite  ......but   art portrays the real life  ....

Still if you cant think  for  yourself ............ and  spend  your  life being  afraid  of being  alone  and  scared ......then its  all Good ............

And the  crazy part of it !  .....does  everyone  want to be  around  someone   when they die   in front of  them ......
and be  traumatized  for life  ......
how  crazy  are human beings ......and then you have  that image  with you  for life ......
how  sick is  it  for us to want to  die in front of  everyone........for  whose  pleasure ....!!!!so you don't  die  alone !!!!!!!

........fucking crazy !!!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......