Well all good things come to an end ........or there would not be an end......
My favourite place is closing up shop and having to move ...........
Rendevouz is like no place else....its a hybrid or a restaurant ......a bistro....a bar a club..........and a cafe. All tastefully rolled into one .........
It's hard to define it ......but it's unoqueness,is beyond
It will be re born somewhere else ........hopefully ..........
It is. Purely French owned........which gives ......authemticity beyond
The owners and staff are beyond .......the food is beyond .........
But the Palm beach greediness is. What is causing the closure.............
Palm beach Florida...the downtown district is brutal for rent.....and the owners of buildings are selfish and ruthless
But once again it goes back to money greed .......pure and simple greed
Never enough money. ...........greed is what. Caused people to get fucked by Bernie Madoff ........never enough......its the demise of the wealthy.......
.so many. Famous sports stars went bankrupt ........bevsuse greed and stupidity .........
So fingers crossed la rendevouz finds a new location ....and it comes back better and stronger ........
They deserve it ......they have made something. Uniquely great ...and different in the world of hospitality
I do hope they flourish. And resurge greater ............i will miss rendevouz.....
Au revoir.......
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