Monday, June 5, 2017

surpise motherfuckers!!!!!!!....... sex drugs and rock and roll

You have to be a  real  simple  minded  empty headed  twat !!!!!   to   no realize  this  was no shocker  ,......every  musician get involved in  music's  dark underbelly  drugs  and Rock and  roll .......its the  trifecta has  killed  so many .......

Drugs is  a  choice..........simple one  forces a  human  being to take  them .......its a decision someone  makes   to  escape the reality of  life ............simple  fucking   facts  mien hosts !!!!!!!!

usually a person will take  drugs  for  a myriad  of  reason know  self  pity ........being white and spoiled .......... and   having  parents  who  are weak as  fuck ........molestation......cannot handle  reality ......parents  enabling   kids  ......inability to handle  fame  after  seeking it ......... because no  one paid  attention  to  you ...back to shite parents  ..........we  all know  parents  love to  brag   about their  kids   .......... but  really    only use  them  to prop  themselves   up ............. because they  failed  as  parents ............ and know  it .....

Love is  not spoiling your  kids  with  materialistic  endeavours .......sheeit !!!!!!!! have    i  seen  that one  in close  quarters  always   good  for  your  kid  to have the  best .......... it shows  your  a good  parent   when you  demonstrate materialism  right !!!!!!!......

well Chris  Cornell ............ another  one of  those  fuck ups .........  why is  whore  surprised...........  she  did not know  ....fuck off  !!!!!!....cry me  a river  bitch ........

Why do  junkies  always  seek  self  pity ......its  choice .............  no one   holds you down and  puts  a funnel in your mouth and  pours  alcohol or  drugs  down  your  throat..........apart  from priests ..........  seducing  choirboys .......but they are exempt   that's  down under  the guise  of   religious indoctrination  ..........because   of  Jesus  Christ and  guilty  thingy  Bob's ..........

Self pity is   for  the terminally ill  and  dying .......simple  ......everything else in life is a  choice  derived    from strength or  weakness .......unless you are  held  down and   force  fed  its a  cop out .......

You are simply a  liability or  a commodity  ....simple  ......its  your  choice ......


Chris Cornell's Wife Is "Heartbroken and Devastated" About His Toxicology Report

 Monica Sisavat,Popsugar US 7 hours ago 


  I cannot  wait for the  trump train to come rolling into town .........all these  fucking  demovrat bastards are  gpoing to feel his  wrat...