Monday, June 5, 2017

how does it feel to be reated like a whale

maybe  i am wrong  ...but this is a  sort of   karmic  end   to ones  life ......i am sure  these  people  have  consumed  .........or  eating shark Fin  soup ........... or  something in  that  culinary   barbaric   arena ......they after  all are  Japanese........and i know  Asian people..........  have no respect for animal life at all .....they consider  animals .......... are for  food ........and  have no soul............

Now i like  Japanese women .......... i have  what you would  call ............ a  slight  touch of  yellow  fever   ............what men do not........  (if only they would shave  and  have a  landing strip  dammit!!!!!!).........well  anyways ....this is  a   bad  way to go  ..........but  i think  more people would be  better off   going this  way .......... save a  fortune in  burials and   stupid  funerals .......just a thought  in my twisted   blogs  of  course .....


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......