Monday, June 19, 2017

selfie obsessed

Well this is no surprise here !!!!!!!....people  taking pics of  greenfel towers ......the place where people were  burned  to death ......

Human beings have  lost their  way .....because of  technology ........they do not care  ....its  now  technology  driven  narcissism ............thats all.......
everyone  likes  morbidity .....i  mean  look at the  zombie  craze .......i am not  sure  why human beings are  fascinated  by death .......

not long ago  everyone was  wearing  black shirts  with  skulls and  demonic  stuff on  them ......skulls everywhere ........

and worst when there is  an accident 

.......rubberneckers  looking for  someone  dead .........its a fascination of  human  beings ......i even witnessed  it  downtown  west palm  beach......... when someone  got  shot .......people  were  trying to  take  Selie's..........  when the  body was being carried out 

Now greenfell  towers  is  a Selfie  hot  spot ..........i  get it  ..........i  understand  we  all  want pics   technology has  us  all addicted  ..........because  now  everyone and their  uncle......... and  granny has a  camera their  phone ......very few  people  have old  phones  every one  is  tech  crazy ......

Its  just  sign of the times and  technology .........when a fight breaks out or  someone  is shot .......... everyone  is  around with cameras one  give a fuck  everyone want to make  money for  that one  video or  pic tube  has  turned us into  media   vultures .............i guess if  i saw  airplane  crashing .......... or  something..........  i may have to  video it i am  just as  bad  as the  next  cunt ........although .......if it was  airplane  full of  bullfighters  .........or  hunters  ......or similar i would let  them  burn   ........

i am not sure  why people love  tragedy...............  and death................  but it  fascinates .....  long as  its  not theirs ......for  sure  ...!!!!!!!!


  Donald trump is a  master of what he does.....he survived building in new York.........through the mob......built building ........and  ap...