Monday, June 19, 2017

floyd merryweather ....versus connor macgregor

i like everyone else  ..............wanna  see this  happen  why............... ....well its going to be  interesting to watch two sports  in one ..............  with two  flamboyant chaps .......

Connor  macgregor ..............the Irish tough guy .......................who is raw.............. and  unapologetic in every way ...........which is  why  we  all love him outsider........  a  rogue ..............and he can mouth  well as he can fight .......he has  certainly done a lot for the paddy  nation ............the irish you really have the fighting  irish ............i liked it when he said ............"i would like to apologize  for  fucking nothing".....................

Well truly a  man  after my own  heart .................. because i am the same  ..........i shouldn't have to apologize for  nothing all of us .........

But you know what...... ......a lot of  do spend out life  apologizing for  shit...............why ................well  i am held accountable  by relatives who  condoned  my life .................just because i chose  to wander ............. and do  experiences  in life that a lot of  people  have never  had .................My bucket list is  almost overflowing ..........and yep! i have  experienced  death .............a number of times .....more than i care  to  say ................ but if  i was a cat! ......i should be  dead  for   sure .......

 I Made a choice not  have a  family  responsibility .............i tried it for a  while  with someone else...............  and their kids  and  found it highly  distasteful......... and  very  wrong .........

But then ...............i was  never   desperate  enough to  want to  be   with someone...........  out of  indoctrination ...........guilt  ...........and  culture................there are are  occasions  one  find a  diamond  in the  mine of  life  .......

However  back to the fight  Connor   versus merryweather .........merryweather is  a  talented  seasoned boxer ............he was  bullied as a kid and  become an amazing world  champion .......and  his  toys and  wealth  makes up  his persona ............i  think he  deserves  all he  gets ........its  a game  a  real sport  of  skill dexterity ,......and  passion .....

Boxing to me is  like a real  sport  ............not some  fucking stupid  made  up   choreographed   shit wrestling...........  where  steroid  ridden  men in underpants sweat on each other ..............if they only   admitted it was  fake............... it would make the  so called a  wanker  sport  for  wankers ......

I personally think any man that likes to watch  men wrestle in underpants ......has  a  deep seated............  underbelly of  same  sexual  desires  ..........and wished he was in the  ring  get   pounded on's entertainment pure and simple.............  not a  sport ...WWF and  WWE  is  like  dinner  theater   .......... for  macho  men  .....who like to watch  men   play with men......simple  .....

Anyways ......macgregor  versus merryweather .............will be  an epic sporting event ........... for the  simple reason  ......and one  simple reason only money .....its  always  about money  nothing else   ....its the thing .that's   brought them  to the  ring is  god see if you put  it buys  everything except your  health  cannot cure  aids  or  cancer can prevent it   it can buy time ...... can buy love  .....if you have enough money you will  get any  women to love you  buys  them  

Women say its  about  love  ............stop !!!!!!fucking lying is money............  money is love ........ pure  and simple .......women try and  say its  about love .......bullshit !!!!!tell that to someone  who is  fucking  weak and  stupid's a  newsflash !!!!!!!.......pussy is not free ............was in the  seventies ...........women  today  use the  vag as  a tool of  empowerment  long as the  guys are stupid  enough  to  be   indoctrinated into  the  power of the  pussy .................there will be no end .......i hate it ............. when women try and  tell me............ they are looking for  a nice  guy .......a   nice  guy with money !!!!!!!!.................that insults my intelligence cash gash ...........simple  fact .........

So it will be a great  night of  sport  ......i myself   think  macgregor has a  chance......... and i  am  going to  bet  on him  ...... ...because i  batted on ah outsider  before .............and  won .......his  name  was  Donald  trump  and  he  became  president.......... 

you never know .........anything is  possible  especially when it comes  to money!!!!!!!! ......

Boxing hall of famer Lewis slams Mayweather-McGregor as 'ridiculous'

 AFP 12 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......