Wednesday, June 28, 2017

scotland the brave .......defeated by a pen ........

I left Scotland many ......many........ years ago .....growing up in Glasgow was my fondest memories i ever had .......real people ......real fun.........

then the  family uprooted a  small place called  Denny stirlingshire.....Scotland..........a small religiously divided town .......

it was a  town where  everyone knew  every ones business ...........and  backstabbing ....and two faced rhetoric was inherent part of the folks life ..............

it was a known fact that outsiders  ............who were  commonly known as  overspill !.....were   not liked on many levels .........

In small town Scotland many little  towns ......the  small minded..........  usually inbred religious mentality ......breeds a  hatred  that goes  beyond  anything.......... anyone  can imagine ..........

usually those  are  breeding stalls ........... for  as like  children ..............who will  rarely leave............... and  become  like their  parents .........maybe i  would have stayed if  i  never  moved  to Denny ..............but someone  told  my parents............. the place  was  great ........(why you should never trust anyones word )........

But i guess .............. destiny is  destiny ..............growing up in  Glasgow  i was  surrounded  by great aunties and relatives ............and  when  moving ............... approx 30 miles  seems  so far way .............when you  young ....and  do not  drive ............and of course  friends ........... i lost friends............  good  Glasgow  friends.........................

I have  always thought ...............religion was a toxic mindset............ even as a child .......and  it  was  realized ............ when i moved to a  small  town mentality ....of  people  infused  by religious  hatred ........

even in my family............  religion was  so toxic.............  it caused  divide .............. hatred ........... jealousy............ and  even physical  assault ..............after all my father ......was ........what we  would call  in Scotland ............ as either a  "blue nose"....or  "orange man "..............( this is not a man  who sells  oranges).......!....or  in its  proper  term a protestant .......

both females in our  family  married  catholics  ..........which inevitably caused  some  problems  form both sides .......even when i came to weddings ........

How sad............  human beings are  when even in  matrimonial circumtsances ..........not  even peace  can be  achieved  because of  religious mind set ..............and  they say love .......... conquers all .....not  really...!

Religion was ......... the  sickly......... inherent .......disturbing...... and mostly  vicious part of  family upheavals ............i witnessed   on many ........ many............. levels  everything from  how the kids  should be  raised  favouritism........
yes  even   people  let  religion control  family  so called love ........and people  wonder  why i  hate  the  cycle of  how  life should be .......

I was happiest living in Glasgow seemed  i was plucked from a  beautiful city a   fucking  bunghole of  religious  stupidity  ..........hatred.........  and   small minded....deliverance  style mentality .......never  ever  was i so glad to leave .......

However ........... the crux of my story is .......... SCOTLAND THE  BRAVE ...........i hear people  tell me  its  a great country ...............certain parts  ............but Scotland is  not  brave  ........if it was   .............why is  it   still  attached  to England ............because the people of   scotland ............. 55 per cent of  them  decided they were  scared  enough  to  not leave ......

The battle  of  bannock burn.....stirling and  falkirk .......were  fought  for  Independence .........

and many............. many........... many ........years later .......a  pen  decided  to  let the  whole   thing a  country  of   dishonest .............  thieves ............ and pirates .........the  English  love controlling Scotland    for  money reason  obviously .........

Scotland's  fate was  decided   by a pen.............yes  this  shows  you the  country  .............  is  such a  shithole .....they gave  up  the  chance  to be free  ............. by a pen  and  fear .......and  people  wonder  why  real Scots  are  angry ............

In America   .............Americans  think Scotland is  all tartan .................and  cups 'o' tea.....and  romantic  brave heart  William wallace   romance .....

But then ............. what historically............   does  America have to  offer  its  only  less  than  250 years old its nothing in the  span of  time ..............what the hell does  America  know  about history .......the  wars the  have had ........nope  .......

Scotland the  brave is  great  for  tourism has  become a  multi racial  ..............uninformed.............  bunghole of  third world  immigrants............. and   2 Nd  generation half breed  with  massive historical  ineptness .........

My last trip to Scotland was  disappointing on many levels  ............i really  am glad i had  fond  memories of  a once  great country ............which  has now  become  an immigrant infested  .........materialistic bunghole of humanity .............

I will never  ever be in a hurry to return to  once  great place .................there is nothing  left  for me  to  go there  for ............

i have fond  memories and those you  cannot  change ...........

SCOTLAND WAS BRAVE its  just  another country  ..........with bad weather............and expensive  gas (petrol) ............and small shit box  cars ........and lots of  taxes ............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......