Wednesday, June 7, 2017

the purpose .......

I would like to take this  opportunity to inform  anyone  reading my  website ......... and blogs ......i hope you are entertained  ........i myself  believe  the spoken word   ...needs  to get out .......

I like  to pick  apart the stupidity  of  what we  call  life ......

my  point is ......... i am  here  merely for  entertainment ............ and to let people  know what i am  thinking ...........

i am  a services  website also ............but love to blog.......  to let people  know how i view   life .......

we  are only here for  a short time on this  planet ............some  love to burn a trail ........ and  leave  momentous  of  skyscrapers  ........and  streets and  Blvds  named  after  them  .......

not one  person.......... has  any answers  to  all of  life   ......and   when you die........  you leave your crap for  family........ and relatives to  fight like  vultures  after you are gone .......

I think all you have  is  a moment .........for one  to the  next cannot take it with you when you die.......and  all we leave when we die is  grief  ............and  a trail of  crying sobbing people  who   forget  about us  after  a while .......

famous or not ........ we  are  all an integral part of  life ...........and its  just a  whole  lot of  choices   ..........we  make along the way ........

i just wake up every day and think  about how  crazy we  are as a  race what we do !!!!!!.......i just like  to log it  as a  story ........

long after i have  gone  .........nothing will  change ......same for you .......all we  have to do,,,,,,,, is  make the best  of your  day .....and if you  wake up tomorrow  ........its great  !!!!!! ...another  day above  ground ........

spending  time wondering what if  .......and  what about tomorrow are  stuck in between  yesterday .....and tomorrow ......and all the money .........wealth ........and power cannot do anything about it ......we  are all stuck in  between  life is  like a  sandwich .......we are the filling in the middle ..............the bread is  yesterday  and tomorrow .......

here is why life is  short  .....when you reach  60 really die when you are  40 .............why  .....well you have  slept one  third of your  life  ...........important   ........sleep..........we  need it  ........ and  when sleep  ..........we  are charging our  bodies  up .............some  people  sleep more ..........  and some  less  ...but eventually you need it .......

so  by that rationale .......... my father   died  at   42 .......yes  a young  age .......thats  the reality of life  folks cannot drive.........  or  eat ........ or   party  while your  sleeping or travel life  is only when your  awake ..........

so be  grateful for  all the time you  are  awake  ..........its  a short stay  on this  big  boulder one   thinks  about how short a  time  we are   here  .....and all the killing ...war  and hatred  for  one  another ......

can you imagine  what we  could  achieve if  we  all had a game plane......... and  cared  about   each other  .......maybe  life   would  be   incredible.... .......but no one really does  .......its  every man  for  himself .......most ....there are  a few helping change  lives  but  not enough .........

we  should not have starving kids ,,,,,,,,  going to  schools ......or  veterans  killing themselves  every hour .,,,,,,,....or children  dying of  cancer .....or homeless .......

the rich don't care ........if they did  .......

they never  have enough money .......they  want more ........ and when they die  ....they leave it to the  people like them  who do not  help   ........

 the  queen is worth  approx  7.3 trillion dollars ...........give or  take a  few  billion ........what does  it matter  you would  think  what  she   could  do ........the  Rothschild's  are  worth  several  hundred  trillion (approx    500 trillion ) enough to wipe  out poverty on the whole planet ...........

Why does $500 trillion rich Rothschilds are not on Forbes richest people list?

just in case you thought i was  bullshitting ..........

because  poverty  is like  everything else its  a business .....simple ..........

so  just  remember  when you are  60 are not  really  60 are  40 .......enjoy  right here  !!!!!!!!! ..........right now!!!!!!!!

all you can take with you  is  memories...........  and all you  can  do is   leave a  legacy  ....good  or  bad ........

the greatest crime.....  a human being can do  die .........and take  away  knowledge and power.............. that may have  helped less fortunate people ...


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......