Saturday, June 3, 2017

Kathy griffin is a cunt

Kathy griffin says she feels bullied by donald trump. ...after heer. Low self esteem talentless idiotic Isis style prank

.....i did think she was fuckable briefly at one point in her pathetic. Existence

I personally think she is talentless and I do hope she gets. So broke she has do do simulated rape and throat fucking videos....she is an old bitch. ....but. her only. Redeeming ability is she could make pornos. For unhappily married long distance truck drivers........ And pastors to Jack off too .........

Her prank was not only. Retarded on Many levels but the emptyheaded low self esteemed cunt. Knew it was going to backfire .......and now. She is crying like.   A choir. Boy. Being anally ripped by a priest in the confessional........

Any.   Comedy is fun until you cross a line. Regarding a presidential beheading in an Isis style fashion.........
I am not sure if Isis was the fashionista of holding up beheaded people. But we do see that.  More from them .........

Her career might be fucked seeing her throat being fucked in a movie would be great........

Comedy is all fair and fun and I myself am a sick bastard.......but I have to say. You can joke about the president to a point ..........this is not comedy ........

She deserves to be bullied. .........Maybe she might commit hair Kari like most famous. Insecure weak low self esteemed assholes curt kobain. And the soundgarden prick ........or robin Williams. .....its the price you pay if you want to play

I will not miss Kathy griffin.........never thought she was I say you are either a liability or a commodity is choices not excuse .....excuses are for weak useless parasitical dirtbags........shit or get of the pot .......thats life between is for the weak and lost have a mind ......

I despise it when people say. Life is not that. Easy. ....yes it is ..... if you choose to be an abortion of epic gives you lemonade so you make lemonade
...or freeze them and hit cunts to wake them up..........

Society. Needs fucking idiots and slow minded brainwashed. Rejects ...........they are easier to control and make money from ......simple the sea of life your either sinking .....or.  you are. Swimming ...........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......