Saturday, June 3, 2017

climate change .....the planet is fucked anyways

Climate change .....i think Donald  did the  right thing .........the planet is  fucked Will take 100 years  for the planet to feel the  effects  form  our  change  ......... that's  if  every  cunt and  their  uncle  participated  .....

grreen house  gasses  ........and  so on and  so forth ........ cattle  breeding  .........and  emissions ............ and  you think the chinese   give  a fuck  .............

Oceanic  changes.............  and sea level rises  are already here...........   so it does  not  matter   ...........mother   earth  will fuck us  before  we   fuck  her  simple  fact .......

Its  too far  gone .......... and that's   not  a cynical  view  ............the  greed  and  absolute  stupidity of   human beings  which  is  mostly  99.99.5 of  the   planet .............are  fucking  slugs  ...............why  because they do not  give a  fuck.............. ............ especially America ........... who  only   recycle  6 percent    www.gabbywildfoundation.........who is  trying to make a  difference   ..............but  that's  only a  small percentage i am wasteful too ...............  to a    point..........  i am not  the  greatest  re  cycler ............ but i try ......most  people  are  just  fucking wasteful  .............and especially with   corporation and   food  .....most  supermarket  discard  enough  food  to   feed  every  person in their  town ..........  they don't  .............. because  its  corporate  bastards   running  it ......simple  fact  the  planet is  fucked  ,....if you  believe  otherwise  ............. your  fat head is  either   jammed  up  your ........... ass  or  someone  Else's   .....

brainwashed  fuckers   don't  care ........... they  just keep  shitting out kids ............ diapers   in landfills............... take more  than a 100 years .........yep.....cotton  ones  that  can  be  washed  its  too much  trouble  for  women  now  ......they are too stupid   and lazy to   use  the old  method ......its  laziness  pur and  simple .... .... 

  Women  and some  guys  who uses  facial  scrubs..........  with those micro  beads ...........  they    stay  around  forever ........... and have  been  found in  fish.......... and  oysters ........

 The  ocean is  fucked ..........  we  have  over harvested  it .......... especially those   greedy  fucking  Japanese ............  and  chinese ...........  because of  shark  fin  soup ......... a  soup  consumed   by  pure  cunts ........... and i hope you  die  from poisoning .......,  does  nothing  .it gives the soup a gelatine  texture .....dumb cunts ,,,,,,......

Donald was  right............ to pull out ............ it was a sham  by the  other  countries   .....its not   going to help ..............  we  have  fucked  the  globe   just  enjoy  whats  left 

 Our  legacy will to be leave  kids  with  no animals  ............approx  5   animals  a  day  become  extinct  ..........every  second ...........  a  football feild  sized  forest is  burned  in the  Amazon ........... for  beef  cattle   .......and   1million chickens  an  hour ......... are consumed in America ............. and  1777 animals  per  second  is  killed  for  food on the  planet ........

Human   beings are  so fucking pig ignorant ..........and  brainwashed .......... they  don't  get it  because of their   ignorance.........  its  too late  dumbasses.........  it will not  end  ...........unless it  stop  today .......that's like  hoping to get a  blow  job  from princess  Diana ...............not gonna  happen 


internationalhippie would like to take the time  to  inform readers  who are offended  by these  rants ......i would like to say  these  are   just thoughts....i have  to  dispense ......and if you feel that you have been  offended  in anyways can always  find  an alternitive  source of  abuse .........if you like  to  be  insulated  in your  existence  ...lied  to fucked  over ......and   continuing living with your  head up  your   arse  ....there are many  venues .......... and places  that will cater  to your   weak  minded  ..existence .......i  am not  here  to  pander  and lie ..........   as  i feel its a  families  job to   partake in such  low life  parasitical existence.....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......