Monday, June 19, 2017

bullfighting and the cocksucker i am glad he died....not a sport .....

I am so happy to post this rant ...the  death of  a cocksucker  bullfighter ........

i think bullfighting is a  sport  of  wankers  for   drunk ass good for  nothing piece of  shit tourists .......

If you have  ever  been to  a third  world  parasite ...........dirty......... infested...... shit hole............. and paid  to see this  barbaric empty headed  sport .....then your a  cunt ......and if you have ever  taken a  kid  with you   your a  cunt .......

Yes i know its  a history........... going way .........way ........... back like  most archaic  macho driven sports ....its usually  fucking wankers  with weapons aagainst defenceless  animals ........

history is laced  with  assholes  old  drunken  stupid  uneducated  bastards .....the only good  ones  are the  ones that were  artist and  composers in  Vienna..........  Paris  ....and  all the  ones  that   put their  .......genius  to art and  movies .......

bullfight is a compilation of  torture .......... usually............. administered  by   men wearing the gayest of outfits ........lets be honest straight man would  wear  a  jewel  encrusted  San Fransisco  looking  tight panted  suit ......unless  he  was thinking   of   flipping  the switch and  going light ........

Bullfighters are  just  fucking   creeps.......the  bull has  no  chance..........  he is   gored  by  matadors.........  toreadors .......and picadors ......a  bunch of   fucking cowardly Spanish /french mediterenean pricks  ..........who  inflict pain on an animal   and  outnumber it .......

The sport is  sponsored  usually  by  tourism ..............fucking drunk loser  tourists........  who are sheep minded  empty headed   fucking pricks ......probably German and  British  fucking tourists know  how  Spain and mediteranean...... is   overrun  by these  fuckers  drunks  that's  all   British  and  German  tourist  are   drunks .......

I know !!!!!!you  say i am picking on Europeans ........... well  i am  ....its a sport of  cowards   ............those  bullfighters  are  gutless  Spanish pricks.....and whatever  other  dirt bag  latin country  partakes  in a  so called  entertainment ......

i am so  glad  the cunt  died ......... i hope  he left a  wife ......... and  kids suffer ......... and cry  for  his loss.........  and  she   ends  up  fucking his  best mate   ............good  riddance  you   prick ...........


Matador Ivan Fandino dead after rampaging bull gored him in the chest when he tripped on his cloak in the ring

Ivan Fandino, 36, was killed during a bull-running festival in Aire-sur-l'Adour in the southwest of France.
A SPANISH bullfighter died after he TRIPPED on his cloak and was then fatally gored in the side when he fell to the ground — with horrified spectators hearing him scream: “Hurry up, I’m dying”.
Ivan Fandino, 36, was killed during a bull-running festival in Aire-sur-l’Adour in the southwest of France.
Spanish matador Ivan Fandino is carried out of the arena after being impaled by a bull at the Corrida des Fetes
Spanish matador Ivan Fandino is carried out of the arena after being impaled by a bull at the Corrida des Fetes
Witnesses said he was using his cloak to entice the bull to charge when his feet became entangled in the material and he could not free himself in time.
Fandino, who came from Orduna in Bizkaia, was stabbed in his lung in front of a horrified crowd.
He was rushed to the bullring’s infirmary and then on to a hospital in Mont de Marsan.
Fandino, pictured earlier in the bout, had wanted to be a bullfighter from when he was 14
Fandino, pictured earlier in the bout, had wanted to be a bullfighter from when he was 14
It is understood he had a heart attack in the ambulance and on his arrival doctors could not save him.
A member of the crowd said at first many spectators did not realise Fandino was in trouble.
“Ivan was caught by surprise and suffered the consequences,” the witness said.
“People were cheering to begin with, thinking everything was under control.
“Then we realised that Ivan was very badly hurt, and he was rushed away by other matadors, supported by paramedics.”
Fandino wanted to become a bullfighter from the age of 14, even though it was not a family tradition, and made his debut in 2005.
The last Spanish bullfighter who died due to a goring in the ring was Victor Barrio, who was killed at the age of 29 after being gored in the bullring in Teruel on July 9, 2016.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......