Saturday, June 17, 2017

disaster !!!!!

My heart goes out to all those  who were  killed in the  London  flats green fell tower ......

Of course the issue of money over safety  crops up .......and  aesthetics ....over safety ......they wanted  the place to look pretty ......because it was visble to the other  up market properties in the area ......and it was  a lower income housing  residence .........

No surprise from me  ......there was  issues  with electrical it was  said !....but no one  will ever really get to the  bottom of it ......

The help pouring in for these people  is  overwhelming .......but on the flip side of the   coin ...........or maybe its  because i see  the underbelly of  human beings .......  

Not until something happens...........  do human beings  act up  ..........acts of  random kindness ......disaster ......death .........and  so on .......and  so forth ............. has  to be  bestowed upon the  human race  ...before they band  together ..........

I mean i think its  great .............. people  come together to help .....but it seems  people have to suffer in order  for us as human beings to  donate/help /raise something ...........its an oxymoronic part of a  human point is  .........if you stopped  to think that if  we  just  did this  for  no apparent reason............... every single day of  our  lives ......there may not be  starvation .........suicides .....hunger.....children   dying of  hunger .........we need a reason to act upon a situation......i find it a  disturbing  part of  the  human being .......

I feel so sorry  for those  who perished in green fell towers............ and the children ......but it  takes  disasters and such like ......

They held a concert  for  those  killed in Manchester .......for the  stricken ....... but that's  only because  people  were  killed ......

Now if concerts were  put on  for  say homeless......hungry children ......poor  ....every weekend or something to  that effect would make more  sense  to me .......

it seems trauma .........death .........disaster ....... grief the only time  human beings  unite through grief ............its  a subliminal hypocritical part of  a human being .......

The reason i embark upon this  topic......... is  because  i witnessed within my own family ....or what was left of it .......sister sibling hatred ........until my mother  died......this was the only time they  became close ..........the  fact that my mother  had to die .........for  siblings to become close beyond words  for me .......its hypocrisy on a  scale i cannot  fathom in my mind ...........of course.......... its indoctrination on how death portrays the role of family in cultures........... and  similar  beliefs .....its  a duty that is expected  for the  cultures ...........but  cultures like religion .......... are   controlling  ......... fabricated ..........and  steeped in historical lies and  bullshit ......much like  religion ..........and when you   symbiotically intertwine both  ,  have  a   hatred  for  anyone who  speaks outside the aforementioned beliefs ..............

No one seems to care until they are forced to .........there are few  exceptions to the rules  .........but not  enough  to make a  difference in the world ............everyone has to make a  difference ..........this would include me........but none of us can ..... ....i personally have lost a  ton of  faith in human beings ......... because of their  narcissistic drive  for image....... wealth .........status .....and  one up man ship on  each other one  cares  until  tragedy strikes ..........then everyone pony's  up ..........i guess that's  human nature  or  indoctrination.....whatever  the perspective angle is .....

As they say its human nature !!!!!!!!......i am always  reminded of the story of the frog and the scorpion .........nothing changes .....

ADDED NOTE .......isnt it funny that fire  ravaged this  tall structure and it still remains  up ......yet the same with WTC  ....and they both fell identically ...unharming the surrounding buildings .......this is just an observation .......from  my mind  thats  all decide ...i have  already drawn my conclusions .......

  I am lost for words  here .....i mean what the  fuck is wrong with our  world  ......  kids   killing  anyone ........ adults   ........wa...