Sunday, June 18, 2017

happy fathers day .....

Father's day .....a day to celebrate ..........any man that has gone  forward  to  have a  child ..........not easy........ by  to days  standards .....its harder today to keep a  family together than ever .........

 ......seemed easier in my fathers  day 

.......maybe  because my mother  was  more  contented  with life .............or maybe the men were  stronger in them days ..........or  maybe  both .......i  find it   amazing that  when someone  tells me  they have   been together   for   more  than  ten years .......

when i was  growing up  ....everyone had  a mother  and  father ......maybe they   were  quietly  unhappy .........and  just stayed  together  for  families in them  days ...........i didn't know  any better......   was  too young  and  stupid  to pay attention.......

However fathers day ..........much  like  all the days in America  know  what i  mean .............mothers/valentines/thanksgiving/Xmas/labor/ on and  so forth ........

Its a day where  all the business  lick their lips........ in order  to get your money .....why else  would they have  a  day remind you ....that you  should be a  father  every  day ...

but the flip side to this  deal is ....... if you  are a  father get the so called  pity sex know what that is  !!....well if you don't !!!!!!!!....well if you have been  married  a while ............ say  4-5-7-8years ......unless your  unique might  be banging once  a  week .......we all know marriage is  about less  sex.....

once the   windowlickers/rug rats/ankle biters/......the  wife  starts to close up  shop  downstairs ........and its  harder  to go shopping in the basement ........

funnily enough  after you get  divorced ..........the shop is open  like  7-11  when she finds  another  man ........weird  as  fuck  that ..........huh  !!!!!!!..and funny after you get  divorced  or  split up........  she  starts  to  look attractive all over  again ........and you want  her.........  but  can't have  her  .........because  another  guy is  plugging /poking her .......yet she looked  like  shit when you were 2gether.......

Always a  mystery  why she  could never  keep it up  when you were  together........

i only say this is  because i noticed it time and time  again ......

Anyways fathers day .......a day when you get  some  free  shit......... for  being a did  ........its free ........ but its  not !!!!!!! have to pay for it  with your  money ........ and  your    mental  state ............because we all know  being a father  is  not easy .........especially having daughters ......that's a fucker  ..........because you  have  to know  one day ........... she is going to bring a guy home........  that you are  never  going to like  .....and you know  he is  having sex  with her  and you  cannot  do  shit..........

Because its   kind of  like a  karmic  payback to you   .....because you done exactly the  same  shit ............only its  your  fucking turn !!!!!!.......that's the  bitch  part of life .........but   it  is  all about this  day ...........when you  get  some  shitty  free gifts ........and its  not  Xmas .....and you get a  fuck ..........its   a  pity  fuck ........... but its a blowy  .........maybe  some  ass  from the  wife  ..........and  even if you  don't wanna  bang the wife ........  because  her  tits  have gone   south........  and  her  ass  has  exploded  after  ........ 1-4 or 5 kids still have  to go in  there .......and if you don't .......... she might think  you are plugging  another   chick you cannot win on  fathers  day ......but you do ......its  all part of  being a  daddy ........

i never ever wanted  to be  a father ...... at  any point in my life ..........why!  ....well i  saw   family get  used .......... and  abused  ....... with  kids  being used  as  collateral  for  the benefit  of the  daughter  .........not to the  benefit  of  my  mum and  dad .......... who  were  just  used  and  abused family   to have their  selfish existence .....

Grandparents are  glorified  baby sitters ............ and  financial  human ATM's...... for the   use  of   to  benefit not the kids ..........  but the  mothers  of  the  kids .........but they  just want gran kids ............. because that's  the  indoctrinated  prenatally  taught   mentality .............and they  don't  realize  the sons and  the daughters .......... are   doing this for  their  benefits always  benefits  them ........

I saw this on a  gargantuan scale ......and  was  so  despicable of  how   kids  are used  by parents  ..........  to manipulate  grandparents  .....but   of you live in small towns.........  or  breeding stalls for  humans  ...........they  do not know any  better .......

It's like ......... if you   grow  up  raising  pigs ........ and told  your  family has  to  raise  pigs ............ then you  are  brainwashed  into  the pig life !!......from father  to son  ......its  happens  every   day ......

i lived in a  small minded  valley in Scotland ............ saw  this  mentality .....and  as  soon  as the  son  or  daughter  gets  married..........  they  are anchored  down............ its  all part of  the way to stop them  leaving ........guilt is   used  to brainwash  anyone  who is   willing to  follow  the  ideologies ............of  what they are supposed to do ........that's why religion is  so  successful ......oh !!!!!!and profitable .....

Anyways  happy  fathers  day ......i hope  you  got  prezzies  and a lap  dance.........  and   blown and  fucked actual fact you should be  getting that every  day that   not  the  reason you  got  married you  thought  my  delusional  com padre ........its  a   rouse  and you  fell for it   every guy  does  ......some  even  fall  for  it  again  and  again ......

Its life ........ and  as  guys.......... the power of  the  pussy ......its  caught men ........... and  cost   much .....its the price you play  when you want to play ........

i was  reminded  by a  great  friend of  mine  who passed ......he  said in  the  Vietnam  war.....the  soldiers  had a  saying .........

'if it floats  flies fucks rent it "

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!! ............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......