Friday, June 2, 2017

sugar baby shit !!!!!!

Here is  one of the  rants i am going to love  ripping into   ............i am all over this .......... like a preist on...a  choir  boy ........

A sexy 24 year old sugar baby ....says she  does not  consider it cheating........ having sex with married men  for  vacations ......the term sugar baby is  she  fucks for cash .........and  suchlike things ......whore !!!!!!!!! cunt/pussy/ free soon as a  woman  figures  out the thing is  Cash registers ......bells start  ringing....

Any man thinks that sex is  free a  fucking moron .....unless you are good looking guy and  can get bints ......but its still not free soon as you pork a  chick are  going to pay  emotionally ....mentally......... physically   ....somehow .......all men  pay for  pussy ............its  not  an attack on woman ,.....its a  fucking fact .............especially  today  ....women are  so  materialistic.......  and   cash driven don't  pony up.........   no pussy .......a  man loses  his  job  .......then his   wife  is  looking for  an  exit plan......and that usuallyy involves  when the   shit ........hitting the  fan .......... she is   off  to  mothers ...........

prostitution is  the  greatest  trading thing.......for  this demented  slut to say  she   is sleeping with married  men  for  vacations  and   its  not  wrong is  in the  eyes  of  society ,...........all men  cheat   somehow ......its a  matter of  time .........their  mind and  eyes  start to wander ........very very very few.......    don't  its  a miniscule  amount .......

Dating  and going with a  chick........ is  not  free  .....very  very  few  friend  with  benefits  ......... unless  your a  guy  with some   sort of  game .......... but you  have  to  have  some  game not all men  have  it...........

This girl ....sugar  baby   just a   whore  pure  and simple .....hey !!!!!! she is  cute  hot and  has  probably a smoking ass  body ......why not  .........most  guys  pay for  it  ..........(that being 99.999%)......... not a lie  ......even if your a  married man still have to pay  for  sex have to  work pay bills  and   maintain   family are still  paying   is an experiment ........try not   going to work ........... making money  ....see  how long the  wife  hangs  around  dumb ass.......not long as ......... soon  as  the  money  stops  ...........and you  decide  not  to   do anything ............she will be off   looking  for  better  deal are under  the  gun stay  afloat  ........... a  married  man has  to work.......... he  has  no choice  ...... and  sometimes they  both have to work and the  child  suffers ........always a  sacrifice ......

no pussy is  free  .......... man has  always  had to pay for   vag ............women know this  men know it .....its   just called  marriage ....or  relationship ......and when you don't  do good  you  don't  get  fucking sex ......women  use it as a  weapon  ...if you think  i am  lying  know   ...i am  just telling it like it  is  ......

Sugar baby says she’s ‘addicted’ to having sex for vacations

Meet the glamorous woman who jets all over the world on travel dates with married men and other total strangers, but insists she is not a gold digger.
Heidy Pandora, 24, who is currently unemployed and describes herself as a “full-time traveler,” has visited more than 20 countries during her three years on dating site Miss Travel.
Former masseuse Heidy, who lives in Orlando, Florida, told Sun Online: “Some of the guys on the site are married.
“I don’t see it as such a big deal to have sex with married men. If they’re married and looking somewhere else, they’re not happy. Some of them don’t have any sexual relationship with their wives anymore.”
But Heidy — who has visited glamorous locations including Dubai, Morocco, Hawaii, Aruba and Thailand with wealthy men she’s met on the site — claims she never feels pressured into sex.
Instead, she says: “If we connect, things happen. But if we don’t connect then we just have fun on the trip or I just come back.


“I would love to find the one, but right now I just want to travel and see the world.
“So (dating married men is) an advantage in a way that they will not get emotionally connected to me. And they will not want to pursue anything.”
She added: “I don’t pay for anything. You can do half and half but I prefer not to.
“I’m saving more for my own future. So I don’t want to spend money on travel because it’s really expensive.
“I’ve traveled with different types of guys, but I didn’t have sexual relations with all of them.”
Heidy, who says travel dating saved her life, added: “I suffered from depression for two years straight and I got to the point where I didn’t want to live anymore.
“So I told myself, ‘If today was my last day, what would I want to do?’ My dream was to travel but I could never afford it. It’s too expensive.”


Heidy, who was 21 at the time, had just $2,500 in the bank. She added: “My first trip by myself was to Mexico.
“As soon as I saw the blue water, the depression went away. After that I wanted to travel more, but I didn’t know how to.


“Then I came across Miss Travel and I kind of became addicted to it. It keeps me going in life. I still suffer from depression but it’s not as severe and traveling keeps me alive.”
Heidy, who lived in El Salvador as a child, added: “I just came back from Dublin, Ireland, and I’m already working on another trip to Nepal.
“All my family know I do this. My mom is actually really happy for me because she’s always wanted to see the world.
“Most people don’t have the courage to do what I do, traveling with strangers. It’s basically like a blind date.”
Heidy has hundreds of followers on her Facebook account, but not all the reactions have been positive.
She said: “I do not care about anybody’s opinion. Who doesn’t want to see the world?
“The people that probably judge me have maybe envy and jealousy.
“I have been called bad names before like a gold digger. But I don’t feel that way and when I’m on these trips, I do not ask for money.
“I’m only on the website to travel and see the world. I’m not there to look for a sugar daddy.
“So if anybody wants to call me a bad name, I don’t take that because I know I’m not there for that reason.”
Despite claiming she doesn’t ask for money, Heidy has been given gifts of up to $1,700 after her trips.
She added: “Some of them have asked me to move in with them, live with them. But I’m not ready for that stage yet because my life is here in the USA.
“If I do fall in love with somebody, I will do that. But for now I haven’t met the right person.”

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here is a picture of a  pussy ...its  free   for you ......enjoy .....


  YOU KNOW I HAD TO.......  TO LET YOU  SEE WHAT  PEPOPLE  SPEND  THEIR  HARD  EARNED  MONEY ON .......... Travel Honk if You’re Laughing: M...