Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Bill Cosby fame and rape.......

Probably not the brightest bulb in the package.........

i thought with fame.......and he was famous ..........came a conveyor belt of.  whoring...... slutty women .......you know the starfuckers ...........

But this dumb brother had to drug them .......is it because they talked too much ...........

I am not sure why any man risks jail for a women..........

 you have to be some kind of really stupid cunt on a level that's beyond understanding ...........

Was he that ugly ..........he had to drug a woman .........my point is it them all that time to come forward ..........
We all know. Alchohl makes every normal women into a whore ........

it was invented by men for men so even assholes and stupid inbred.......... deliverance type backwoods.......... useless wal-mart  shopper could get laid ..........

It was also invented so white bastards can dance ........we all know how jealous white men get. When they see a brother dance.   And some white bitches checking him out ........

So alchohol  .........releases the demons   from the guy ...... or girl..........which proved to me we are all inherently fucking savages..............usually they just become bigger fucks.........but they will talk to a bitch when they are hammered not sober
Hence the miracle of toxicity..........

.yes when your poisoned yourself to a point.......... and you feel high as Fuck.......nothing matters .......all your insecurities are gone.......

But Bill Cosby had to drug them to Fuck them .......

No Pussy is worth going to jail for ..........on any grounds
I have never understood why a man has to partake in rape .......its illegal .......and  yet. 67 percent of women in America............. fantasized about being raped .......no lies it was a study .........strange how this works

I think Bill Cosby is going to the can .......he is 79 .......or old as Fuck .....so he had his fun ......now he is paying........he will probably go to one of these cupcake jails where famous cunts go .......after all he is not a fucking risk ........

........poor old cunt can barely walk
Well another black man incarcerated .......i think he should have been made to pay financially but.......... it's the law..........

I bet he is not laughing now........

Drugs like alcohol opens up your choices......... .......usually not fucking good ones either.........Salvador Dali would contest him and I might agree.........

But I think state of mind has a lot to do............. When you ingest drugs ..........
But life is full of choices .........choose wisely!!!!!!!!!! ........



  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......