Monday, June 12, 2017

Born again bullshit.......

Am i the only cunt that hated these born again fools.......

You  know the stupid fucks ......born again virgins ......born again Christian........born again. Whatever. .........

Here a thing ...........there is no born again ......its a scam..... .......Devised by cunts for cunts........

Sorry to burst your retarded weak are either a Christian or your not. ......born again ....means
Your a dumb bastard !!!!!!!!!!!!!

......following a bunch of dumb bastards a church. Where. .....they dip you in a pool ....pond......fountain .....river .....and supposedly your soul is cleansed............

The is no end to fucking stupidity ......its like the virgins. ....your Pussy got ripped .......and  now your jealous of maybe a virgin ........

.........guess what. ....wait for it .....your a fucking stupid. shat a kid out your going to get your pissflaps re-done .........

Of course any plastic surgeons will sew your cunt up. long as you pay.......this is what everything is about ........the old. ......... Bitches who get the Fuck lips.......aka.......vag and tummy tuck .......lost youth .......its gone .......

It is usually a post sensation........... after kids have left you. ......and you want to re-live your youth.......... because you were brainwashed and had and gave up the fun part of life ..........

It's not uncommon for women to say. ....they wished....they had done it different ......or they wished they had kids later dumb was the life you chose ........

Like porn stars they get all clean......... and become mummies and say  they are different ...deep down they are still a whore.........

Linda Lovelace made a famous movie deep throat ..!!!!!!!........(IF YOU NEVER  SAW porn afficianado ....all red blooded perv men who like women have seen deep throat .....)............and then she decided to go against ....women's abuse.............she gagged a Fuck.........

...she was the frontier of gag porn it's common as Fuck.........

Once you have killed an animal ..........or a human being......there is no redemption ......its a word made up to get. Assholes to actually part with money only redeem cash when you go to the. .
So if you wanna,be born again .........try this for size.      ...........jump in front of a train .......see if you come back ........or not............then you will really know if  you are  born  again .......chances  are  you  are not !!!!!!!!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......