Saturday, June 24, 2017

i understand this one clearly

A driver in California has  always wanted  to kill stupid people .......
You can bet your bollocks to a barn dance....... he is not the only cunt that wants to kill stupid people........
And here is the beauty of  this one ........there is no  shortage  of  stupid people .....
especially here is south Florida  sir! !!!!!!place is  fucking swelling at the seams .... .....especially around   5  'o clock.......  when fuckers  are coming home from work.....
Maybe ..........when you are growing up you  tend no to  notice  fucking  idiots...... or  stupid  bastards ......and when you  get older.........  you  suddenly realize the world is  overflowing with assholes !.....
I can bet you this prick  below......... is  not  the  only guy that wants  to kill stupid  people ....i would love to ....but i like my freedom too much .....and  heard jail food is  so fucking  bad .......and   do not  really  want to  have  blood farts every day  till  i die .....
The thought is  enough ......there will always be  someone..........  that will full fill your  fantasies ....... like old matey  below ......he  obviously is so  pissd off! ......
But in all essence we need stupid  fuckers ...
America needs  stupid  fuckers too....  and as long as their is an influx of stupid fuckers  America  will do fine ....
mark zucherburg made a  website for  stupid fuckers ......a platform of  nothingness people  can post their pix of their  sandwich .....their  fucking cars .....their beer glass......their   drunkenness.....and their  existence  .....for all to embark upon ........
And as we all know ......face book has spawned some of the most stupid  fuckers on the planet .....
stupid fuckers  doing stupid  shit on face book and getting caught.............
didn't your parents  teach you anything ......
Maybe its  because  face book.......  brought out the useless  cunt in people you know a  tool for tools ......
Do people really care if you have a  cheesecake downtown with your  stupid  drunk face ...... shoving spoonful into it ........

Face book has become a cunts  paradise  for  people .......... to let all their friends  know.....  hey i am  trashed here ...... and  eating pizza ......  and i am white  and i doing gang symbols one  before  gave a  fuck ......and the only cunt laughing is  mark  zucherburg .......
I stopped using face book because people  were  so  brainwashed  at a platform controlling them  ......if you have to care what others think of you ......then you  must  not love yourself ......which means your  brainwashed and indoctrinated......i am just telling the truth .............
i got fed up with face book because  people  were  offended  by my postings ......and they were only worried  what others may think you think slavery is  dead my friends are  slaves to  technology and  media don't  know it ....... because you only think of  slavery as  chains ........and  black people  ....... singing the banana pickers  song .....
when in actual fact your  are  more  afraid   of what others  think ......than the real slaves   thought .......
technology is the new  MASSA!......and its has people  trapped ......there are still some  people  who  do not have  computers......... and technology .....i love it  ......but i will not succumb to the level of  controlling  my rhetoric  in order  to appease  people........  who  are too afraid  to say anything ......... because they are too afraid  or what others  think ......
you my dearies  are  slaves slaves  bound  by  magical tech handcuffs ......and that in  itself is  a form of  stupidity slavery......subliminal yet still ......
Well this man ....... like a lot of  people  who are afraid  to  admit thinks  people  are  stupid .....
i prefer  animals........  they are honest as  fuck....unlike  parents  .......whom i never  ever  trust .......parents  lie ....... lie  like  fuck ........ otherwise  you  would not have  kids have to lie  about  everything ......... and  a bunch of  parents  together    create  enough  busllshit  to fill a  field  .....
And the worst part is......  parents hate it ........when you a  single person are  around  them........... becasue they  know you are the  wolf in sheep's clothing.......
And women .........well they  are not  only liars as parents.........  but liars to their husbands  ........with fake  headaches ........  fake periods ......and  so on ........and  so  forth if you are a  parent........ and  a real estate  broker..........  and a really religious cook........  your  a triple  liar ......just the truth  .....yes i know it stings  .....
And married  couples  will always lie about how their  happy marriage is so  successful   ...........even when its in the gutter .....and falling apart ......seen it so  many times......
it all boils  down to image  appearances ....... the parents  tell them  not   to make them look  bad .......
Well there will never  be  a shortage  of stupid  fuckers ......... knuckle dragging the  planet ........and there will always  be ones  that wished they were  dead ......... me!!!!!! can  never  have  enough  stupid  fuckers  dying.......just there will be more on the way ......
But at least there will always  be  someone  out there  ...........doing your dirty  thoughts  for you .......and that's  the best  part of  life !!!!!.....

Wrong-way driver in California: 'I have always wanted to kill a stupid human'

Pauline Repard
Contact ReporterSan Diego Union-Tribune
John Taylor Freeman ranted on Facebook that he hated people, thought of suicide, and wanted to crash into “stupid humans” on the road.
Last week, he may have carried out his dark fantasies when he drove the wrong way on state Route 52 in San Diego and smashed head-on into another car, killing that driver and himself.
His Facebook posts for months focused on other people’s bad driving or parking, boasted of driving drunk, and expressed deep contempt for people in general and especially those who abuse animals. Several friends and family members replied to his extreme comments, urging him to not drink and drive, look for the good in people, and to seek help.
On April 26 he wrote, “Some dumbass cut me off on the freeway and hit their brakes so I decided to give them a love tap on their rear bumper at 65 mph. I almost made the (expletive) crash. Then pulled up next to him and gave him the middle finger for about 20 seconds and told them they should all die so earth is a better place.”

Freeman commented in March that he wished he’d been able to kill a pedestrian who jaywalked in front of him. In May, he wrote that he’d never felt more depressed in his life.
According to his Facebook posts, Freeman lived in his van in La Jolla.
The 33-year-old earned money by walking dogs, after a stint as a pizza deliveryman, said one of his former dog-walking clients.
Cori Stern, of La Jolla, said she had begun to think something wasn’t right with Freeman, but never imagined he was giving vent to such negative views on himself and the world. After his death, a neighbor noted Freeman’s Facebook postings.

“When I saw that, I was horrified,” Stern said. “He was openly saying he was suicidal and homicidal.”
The California Highway Patrol is investigating the possibility that Freeman was suicidal in the June 13 collision that also killed 52-year-old Riyadh Kafaji of La Jolla. (Kafaji’s last name has also been spelled as Alkafaji in some public records.)
Authorities reported that Freeman was heading east in the westbound lanes of Route 52 about 12:30 a.m. when the pickup he was driving smashed into a Mercedes Benz. Kafaji died in the wreckage of his car. Freeman’s pickup burst into flames. Witnesses tried to help when they saw him stick his arm out of the truck, but the flames were too intense.
The Medical Examiner’s Office, which conducts autopsies to determine the cause of death as well as whether a death is by accident, suicide or homicide, has not concluded its investigation into the two deaths.
Freeman’s brother, Peter Freeman, when reached by phone on Friday, said he and his family “have zero comment” about his troubled brother.
A family member of Kafaji’s also declined comment.
Stern said she had hired Freeman about two years ago, and saw that he was good handling dogs. He built up a certain clientele and was trusted with house keys so he could collect his canine charges. But she started getting concerned after a neighbor caught him lounging in Stern’s home and she believed he was spending too much time in other clients’ homes.
His Facebook posts show him with various dogs and at the zoo, with comments that he feels good only when he is around the animals. In a May 2 post, he wrote: “I have to thank the San Diego Zoo and Safari park for extending my life. If I wasn't for you I would have committed suicide or a homicide/suicide by now.Thank you non-human animals for extending my life.”
On the same day he wrote he was loving driving and thinking about causing car crashes “with the stupid humans.”
On June 2 he wrote that he had consumed a 16-oz IPA beer and driven to a casino the day before. “No one was hurt but I did try to T-bone a car that made a left turn in front of me on a red light. I was at 50 mph and missed there (sic) car by 1 foot.”
When Facebook friends chastised him, he replied, “More fun giving a learning lesson that could take away lives. If I would have hit the guy and killed him, he would have had the ultimate learning lesson and will never make a mistake like that again.”
Others urged him to not let other people affect his actions. His answer, “They are not affecting my actions. I have always wanted to kill a stupid human but thought prison wasn't the right place for me. Now I don't care where I end up if I kill some stupid human.”
Copyright © 2017, Chicago Tribune


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......