Tuesday, May 23, 2017

terrorism has reached an all time low ..........

The world  is  reaching a point ....where  human beings  have no respect for life .......on any level .......Now terrorism is  going for  little  girls  having fun .........is it because these  people have  no life  themselves ........this  attack  was so sad on many levels .......it was  no  an iconic structure ...or some mass  gathering of  politicians.......no  it was simply a  concert  for  teenagers  wanting to have  fun ...........

I sincerely hope  that this cowardly attack  ....waked to fuck up on how low these scum will  go ........i mean   picking on a  bunch of  girls .........the problem with human beings  is one  cunt  ruins it for  all of  us ..........

like the  bastard  who put  bombs in his shoes .........now  when you go to the airport ........ya  got to  take your  shoes  off ........its  a nause ........but you  have to  do it .........human beings  are  advanced in technology  .....and  all things in life  ..........but we   cannot  simply  help  fucking shit  up ...........like when you go  to a  safari park .....people   fucked  that  up ........  so now there are restrictions ......and of course  attorneys  jump all over  shit   when  someone   fucks  up ........like the   dumb  fuckers  with the  sea lions .......now  they will stop people  going near  the  sea lions ......a  fence  most likely ......

Now  every time we  go to a  concert  its  going to  be like the  airport .......shit  never  ends .......the worst part of  terrorism ........... is  it  is  all male  ego  driven  .....like  most  bollocks  the  male insecure  ego ........what the  fuck is  it  ........no one   can live in peace .....

When Americans  go to other  countries  .........they have to  follow customs and  cultures ......which i  fucking hate .......... as  much as  clowns and   balloons ............customs and cultures are  derived  usually by old  uneducated   motherfuckers ......... who were  drunks .......like religions  and   ways ....all designed  by  old  stinking  ......unwashed ........  filthy ....... low self esteemed   fucking  grumpy bastards........  that  hated  women  .......its a  fucking  fact  ......you only have  to look at  Adam and  eve..........which  was  really  Adam and Lilith ...(hence the  lilith  fair  female empowerment )....where lilith proved to be  too much  woman  for  adam ......probably a  pussy anyways ...........of  course  if you are a  brainwashed   fucking simpleton......guilt is used  for  control  ..........always  has  ....always  will be ......been  used in  cultures  all  across  the  globe ......make  a  human being  feel  bad   about something  and you  can brainwash  them  ......it  is  a   huge   weapon used in the  cattholic  religion .........tell me  i am  wrong ........."Jesus died  for your  sins ".........listen up!!!!!!.......... no one  dies  for  no one  ...........unless your a  fucking plank of  epic  proportions ......no one  is  worth  dying for........  ...your  life is  important to one person ......... you ........parents use  guilt ....women use  guilt ....(especially when she is  fucking a guy  ....most men have  a fragile  ego  and  a women  only has to  mention  penis   use........and  the man is  a  fucking walkover...........not to mention the  whole  fake orgasm and  fake  headache   shite)...........Bosses  use  guilt .........i figured that shit  out  when i was  real young  ....saw  too much  too  early  .........but  to  be  honest  very glad .......guilt     is  a  silent      abuser on many levels ....

This is how  brainwashing works for  terrorists ......if you are uneducated  and  a  fucking  ding dong ...........all you need  is one  smart  cunt  to make you think  what they want you to  do .........its  how  organized  crime is  there is  always a boss ...........its  why he is  the  boss ............osama bin laden     had  a degree  in   in   engineering  .........he  was  from  money  a deadly combo .......all he had  to   do  was get uneducated   Arabs ...........there is  no  shortage  of   those  people  in his  country ............its a third world  country  for  fucks  sake  ..........how  did  Saddam  Hussein  ..........and  col  Gaddafi'  ......third world   minds  are   used  all  day......  every  day .....man preys on stupidity ......its  just a sad  fucking  fact 

Two thirds of the  world.......  is  third  world .........how  do you think you  get your   cheap shite   from wal-mart ..........its not made  by    nurses........  or   brain surgeons .......or   fucking attorneys ......nope  ......its  made    by  stupid illiterate   fucks .......... who  ran from the provinces .........  where they are  dirt  fucking poor  to make a   dollar  a  day .........and  a bowl of rice .......and  do   fucking menial  repetitive  shite  14  hours  a day ............like  you  go  to a  factory .......these people  are trained  to do  the  same  shit  day in  and  day  out .......these companies  want  brain  dead   fuckers .......they pay them  and  they have their  kids  and their  lives  .......and  their little  houses  and Sunday  dinners  ....its all they want ......knock out kids .....in breeding stalls in  shite industrial towns ......  and   big  companies  want someone  who does  not  think ........slaughter  houses  ........chicken processing plants   ........cake  factories .........factories  are   for people  who  do not  want   anything other  than a paycheck.......and  they want  you to show  up  and do the  same  shit  for  8  hours  .......that's the paycheck mentality ........it breeds  stability  for someone  who  has  no  ambition.........back to the  old   saying   form  men  ........."i have a  wife  and   kids  to  feed ..........a man who is  desperate  enough  will  clean shitters ......America  employs  people  from  third  world.......   because they are  just  glad  enough  to  have  a  job.

 Corporations  prey on stupidity ....... and   low self worth  guilt ridden  mind  ....its  can  be moulded  to  anything ........i have  said  it now  and will say it till i  die ..........give a  weak  low  self  esteemed  human being  ....a paycheck.......... and  a  sense  of  authority ......and you have  a very  dangerous  employee.......

this is  how  terrorism  works  ...people who are weak ..........   lost ......... insecure ........... have no   mind  ........and  usually uneducated ........ are  recruited  by isis  and  similar ......because  any person of  self  worth  knows  their life is  precious ........

The strong mind  Will always  prey on  weak.......  its a  pre-genetic  disposition   .........human beings   cannot  help it  ..........we  are  simply fucking predators .......... on  many  differing levels.......  ....whether  you  wanna  swallow  the truth or  not  ...........woman  are   one of  the  worst of  all predators  ............they use  the  vagina........ and  kids  when it  comes  to a  divorce .......... and   weak man   usually  .......when  it comes  to love  .......is    emotionally  controlled  by the  vagina ...........and  when he  gets hacked off .....the wife   lowers  herself  to  using the   kids  ..........every woman  has  done  this  .........to  revenge a  man ...........its a simple   in built  survival mechanism  ............the woman  knows  when he  is  fucking another  woman ..........she  knows  he is  already   pussy whipped..........  so  she  uses  the kids ......to  work    daddy ........you see it in movies  .....one  easy one  to remember   .........Mrs  doubt fire ............funny yes .......but the  movie  has  an underbelly  .......sally  fields   plays  a really  scorned   woman .........art portrays the  real  life    .....simple  

terrorism much like  factory workers ....... is  a  simple  way  to remind you......... of  how  they get  a  simple  minded   fuck .......... to be  told  what  to  do  ...........same  with the pastors ........ they stand  in the  pulpits  ........... telling you all  every  Sunday  on   how     Jesus   died  for  you ..........and  he is  taking your money  .......and simply  fucking whores  or  kids  .......not  a lie    happens  every  day....... USA ......not a country  a  business  ......

cowardly  people  are usually  weak people ......the same that pick onm  defencless  animals ...... woman and  children ..............  easily misled  easily  fed .........there will be  no  end  to   stupidity ...... ignorance ...... and   uneducated  ...

and there  will always  be  a strong minded   manipulator.........   ready to stand  in.......... and  take advantage  of  the   masses ........
this is  how   govt  works   .........corporations  work ............ religions  work .......and its  all in the name  of  business ..........people  make  money from  terrorism .......so  probably that's  an  underbelly  ..........maybe  the Powers  that  be  ...........don't  want it  to stop  ........ has  anyone  ever  stopped  to think ........i certainly believe........ like  all the  big  countries  .......  they make  business  from misery .......after all its  all  about money  .!!!!!!!!  


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......