Monday, May 22, 2017

people are fucking nuts !!!!!!!!

You know ....some  people are  either  bored with life  ....or simply have too much money is  another  50 year old  doctor............climbing mount Everest .....not only is it  a   dangerous mountain .......he   decided  to go  into the  death  zone ..........maybe i am  boring as  fuck  ......or maybe i  am  not   addicted  to my adrenalin .......but when a place is  called a  death  zone  ........i am not  really  interested in going there ..........because it has the word  .......death in it  !!!!!!!!! would be  like .....going  into a  boxing   ring   .....with a  boxer   called  smasher  .....or  simply   mallet ..........the  name   befits  the  person know your in the  shit !!!!!!!!!pure  and simple why do  people  go into places   where  the   word  death is   famous  with its .......reputation........i mean you  go    through  the  grinder ........well if  your  a fucking ding dong ......yes .......i am not  a  mad  max   sort of  person ........or  addicted  to my bodies  chemicals the  extent  that i need  to   fucking croak 

........yes life  is   not  a     fucking  merry go  round   with  pretty  pink  horses and candy  floss  ..........and     fucking clown  music    playing in the  background  .....nope  sir!!!!!!!  is  heaven on  earth ........ or  hell  on  earth  .....your   fucking choice .........if you  like  drama   ...........bollocks..........   and  all  things  shite  .......then  life is  gonna   blow  like  fuck  .........if you  wanna   be free ......and  have   a  good  life  .....that's  also a choice  .........

You  reap   what you sow ........its that simple ...........some people   just wanna  fucking die  .......they have  a predestination with the  grim  reaper ........if  they  didn't ...........  why    go  when you  know  the word  death is   in the place .........does   one  book a vacation    in   death  creek .......with the  wife   and  kids  .......nope  ........why   ....not  a good  sell  to a  family person ........

I am not  sure  why the  Doctor his prime ........... decided  to  go  to    the  death  zone  .............i think  he  might be  unhappily married  ......sick of  his wife  bitching  50  you have  been married a  long  fucking time  .............if you  are  into that old  high school  sweethearts   bollocks ........i have  never  understood  why any human  being   can  be  around      somone   for  so long  .............that's  just  me  .....i   guess  i  was   traumatized  by  family  values   when i  saw  how   family values   were in scotland .......on  various  levels  good  !!!!!  .......still i had  great parents  ........but  when i   saw  people  around  me    fuck up  did  it   for  me .........i  can   think the  50  year old  doctor   got  his  jollies  off   .......not  by his   wife  blowing him in the  morning......... or  a  cup of    coffee .......or  simply  his  job ......something  is  amiss ......... when your  a  50  year old  doctor ......... and you  risk  your  life  to  go   climbing in  the  death  zone.

  .......maybe   he  knew  something  ......he   was   just a crazy  White  man  like  all  the  crazy white  people.......  who  do  crazy White  people  shit    shark   diving ......or         doing these   strange   things with  wild  animals ............who the  fuck  knows ........i certainly must   live  a boring life  ....if  i  need  to see  everest  there are plenty of  videos online  .........and no   entrainment  that  far  up  .........each to his own i guess ...........still ....its  wat  makes us all different  ......we  all end up in  the  same  spot ......some   just get there  faster than others .......

American Doctor, 50, Dies While Trying to Climb Mount Everest

An American physician died over the weekend while attempting to summit Earth's highest peak.
Dr. Roland Yearwood was nearing the peak of Mount Everest when he died Sunday in the so-called "death zone" where air becomes perilously thin.
The father and husband from Alabama was one of three mountaineers who died over the weekend on the mountain, which straddles Nepal's border with Tibet.
"We have confirmation of his death but no other details are known," Murari Sharma of the Everest Parivas trekking company told Reuters. 
Yearwood was part of a 16-member team led by American climber Dan Mazur and sponsored by Everest Parivas. 
According to reports, the physician was on Everest for a second time when he died. The first time, Yearwood managed to skirt tragedy when he lived through an avalanche that killed 18 there in 2015.
It is not clear if Yearwood fulfilled his dream of reaching the Everest summit before he died.
"It is also unclear if he was on his way up or down from the summit," Sharma said.
According to Yearwood's profile on the Georgiana Medical Center website, the doctor train in New York and London before settling down in Alabama.
Yearwood left behind two college aged daughters and a wife, who is also a doctor.
"During his spare time he likes to sail, dive and fly and is in the process of climbing the tallest summit on the 7 continents," the profile still reads, "and is scheduled to climb Everest next spring."
Slovak mountaineer Vladimir Strba, 50, also reportedly died on Sunday. Both Strba and Yearwood were on the Nepal side of Everest.
A day earlier, a 54-year-old Australian climber died from altitude sickness on the Tibet side. 
On Saturday, 26-year-old Indian climber Ravi Kumar went missing in the same area after becoming separated from his group during their descent.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......