Tuesday, May 23, 2017

China ......the filthy bunghole of humanity ...........

I have to agree  with this  girl .....i mean.....   china  is a polluted  fucking   bunghole ..........china  is  so polluted  ......approximately  half a  million people   die   form lung disease  every year ........a lot you say  .......but there  is  over  a billion  chinese   ...so  in the  scheme of things  ...........its  probably not  noticeable  and  the  chinese   govt .......... does  not  give a  fuck  about  its  people  much like  every  other  govt. 

China is  over  7000 years old  ....yes older  than  Christianity .......and  many other   stupid  ass  religions ..........and   faiths .........like  Hinduism .......the  Ming dynasty .......was   around   way  way  before  white  cunts  ever  trampled  on soil...........however  .........for  a  country  to  be   so immerssed  in   culture  and  history   ....the  people of  china  ares some  dopey  cunts ........  to say the  least .........they     are   nothing short of  brainwashed  ........and  the   companies  like  wal-mart    and so on and  so  forth  ........ have   descended    upon a  country.......and  used it  and   abused  it  for   nothing   more  than  profit  ..........exploited  the  third world  mentality .........and paying them   shit   for   cheap  ass   nasty  fucking goods ........

we all know  everything   is  made  in china .....apart form  guns  and   beef.....in america   .....no  !!!!!..........we  would not  wanna  fuck  with these  good old  boys ......who  make  the  guns  ...........and    raise  the  cattle   for   beef........so that  Ali  Americans  feel  like   whats  for   fucking dinner..............need  these   hamburgers .......as long as  the  kids    are  told  by their   parents  ...........  they  are  from  hamburger  land  .......yes !!!!!!you know  all  fucking parents  lie  like     congressmen  in a  Vietnamese  sauna .........that's all that  matters .........

China is  a  polluted   ....... corrupt   ........fucking third  world   dirtbowl .........they have  no respect  for animal  life .........like  most Asian  cultures .......... they are simple minded  fucks.........  who think  animals  are  here   for them  to  eat .......if you  think  animals  are here  simply for  you to  eat.......... then you are a  cunt  .......yes  cunt  and if you  are educating your  children ....... your a  bigger   cunt ..........animals  are not  here  for  your  consumption  .........but   brainwashing  culture   beliefs  ............and all the  bollocks  has  lead  you to  that place   

China  does not  care  about  anyone  else   except  chinese   .....the  culture  does  not like   anyone else  into their  culture .........  they  stick to them selves  .....they  trust no one   ............and  they  only care  about money .........i have  been to china  ......... and  all they  give  a  fuck  about  is money .......money money ......nothing else  .....they   have no sense  of  humour  ...........and would not  piss on you if  you were  on fire ........racist you say .......no   just the  truth  ......

China  is  a  fucking  massive   rotunda  of   consumerism ..........  feeding  the  fat  fuck  of  America  ............ and  whoever  else  buys  cheap  shit .......thats all it is   cheap  shit ........they   consume   anything that  moves ..........  they eat live   food ...........the  country is    so polluted   ......so this   girl  ......... all she  did  was  tell the truth  .......... and  now  she is   getting  Ali sorts  of  flak ........no  fucker  likes  the truth  ................not your  friends .......... or  your   family  .........do you know  why  ....because................. they are  all  hypocrites  .......hypocrites  hate  confrontation ...........and  honesty ...........and  as long as  you are  honest    and tell the  truth  .....you will  have  very  few  friend a  or any  family ..........



  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......