Thursday, May 25, 2017

sharks and periods .............

Well i had to put this  one in my  blogs ......this  surfer  claims  sharks attack women ....... when they are  having periods ........i cannot see the correlation there   ..unless they are in a heavy flow i have to say .........i have  lived  with  quite a few   women  ......who suffered  from PMS and  did  bleed a lot ........but i  even think  sharks are  smart enough  not  to bother a fucking  chick  when she is menstruating  .........i mean   unless  you are   going to  fucking eat her ......its not worth the  grief .........although i have  heard  dolphins  go nuts  when a woman is near them and she is in her period  ........and they  get  frisky 

i will say ......... why would you wanna  go  swimming ........ when your   bloated ......... cranky ......... wanna  cry ........ eat ice  cream....... and .......... go swimming in shark infested  waters  ........only  a  white  women  would ......because we  all know  ..........white  people  love to fuck  with wild  animals .......i would  thought  most chicks in their period ...........  would  wanna hang out ......... cry  with another  chick......... watch steel magnolias.........  and  bitch  out her  boyfriend ........ or  girlfriend  ......whatever .......

i am not sure how this  surfer  dude   figured  out a  menstruating broad ......... is in danger  from a shark  ....i would  personally think it would be the other   way .......a woman  with  PMS ....... is  way more  dangerous  than any fucking  shark  ......... on land  for sure was   gods way of  paying men  back   for   getting woman ........ and   beautiful as they are..........  when they are  on the  cycle  .......they can  get  fucking   wacky doodle  dandy ........

its  not   woman's  fault .........  its the biology  of their  body...........  they have to abort that little  egg  once  a month .....and they suffer  ......i have lived   with Someone  who  had   really   bad  PMS a guy...........  i think we have a   great time  ..............we   don't have  to   go nuts  once  a month .........and  cry......... and  eat ice cream .......and fight ............. and they  have to go through it ......and they  even  risk life  having babies .......

i applaud  women  who go through hell .....and it   is a  strange  biological  miracle........  that a woman's  body   gets  rid  of  the  egg  ......i guess their body  must go through a trauma  of  some  sorts..........  its  must have  some  chemical  reaction to their  mind .......... after  all  every month they abort  a  future  child  we    have to   worship.......... and  applaud  women for  their  strive to   make a  future  generation .........i have never  understood  how they go through hell ......just to have  a child ......its  amazing a  man .......... i would  never   have  ever  thought of  wanting kids .......not sure why i  blame it on   traumatizing from  family experiences ........and   seeing what   it  does  to people ........ and i think i thought  about it  too much  and it sickened  me  ......

still i am not sure why  woman in her  right mind   who is  bleeding and  cranky wants to go in the  water  ......but hey !!!!!!whatever   floats  your  boat ......


Surfing Great Claims Women's Periods Cause Shark Attacks

 Carla Herreria,HuffPost 12 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......