Thursday, May 25, 2017

mount everest claims more lives ..........

I just posted  a rant on a doctor  who got  fucked  climbing Everest .....yet another  4  people  have been killed ........something tells me  this is  a dangerous place on many levels .....i am not sure why people wanna  go there .........Edmund  Hilary conquered it ......and it has  claimed  more than 300  lives ......

I do believe people  that  embark  upon such things wanna  die ......i mean   who the fuck  wants to go somewhere  where its  fucking cold .......incidentally i am  not sure why people  love the cold ...... nothing grows in it .......and we  are  not  designed  to live in it ........seals  ......polar bears....... them big white  fellas  can sleep in it like  babies ....... we  cannot  we die  of  hypothermia .......yep  death is  imminent by that rationale i  am sure we  are warm  blooded  creatures ........which brings me  right back to  where i was ......its  fucking cold .......and it is not a pleasant  place  to die ....unless  that's your  bag of  course ........

I must have a   disorder  because .......when i am somewhere cold i get fucking miserable ......maybe  my gene  pool  got interrupted  by a Spaniard ........ or some  Mediterranean guy ..........although i have  heard  that  i  have  Italian blood  coursing through my veins  ........this would  explain  my love for pizza  .......and women from new  jersey ......and pannetone bread....... ....and pastries....... ......   and  garlic  bread  ....and all things pasta ...........but i feel  drawn to  a  climate of  constant sunshine ..........well mount Everest is a  dangerous  fucking  mountain ......i am not sure  why men want to  go  into a  freezing rotunda ....... all by themselves  .....unless you really hate your  wife and kids.......  and  feel this is  an easy way out....... rather  than divorce  ...this might be less painful i have to say  going to the  beach and  drinking coffee  all by myself  great  but that's not   walking into a  freezing oblivion.....  where you cannot stop........ and  have  a cup of  Joe ........

I guess  some  people  have that gene ............ where  they feel its necessary to  go forth and  maybe  die .......some people  are adrenalin  junkies  .........and  rumour  has it........ they have have to keep  going until they die ......they are addicted to their bodies own  drug .........

I  did  see  a  documentary on SPAN   jumpers know these loonies  that take a parachute........  and   dive  from    very  very  high  dangerous  places ........

Now i have to say  i have  flatlined  more than  a few  times in life  ........and that feeling before you croak is  intense feel  great  before all things  go  black ........but the feeling of  coming  back is  even  better .......and i have  to  say  this  was  not intentional  in  any way ......i just  really fucking croaked .......and  by miracles of medicine i got  saved ......the feeling before you die  very very quick ........and its   almost   embryonic in its  feeling  ......... you get all warm and  fuzzy ........i do not  recommend  it  i was  just lucky to be  close  to hospitals..........its  a strange feeling .............but i can sort of  imagine  why   people  might get  addicted  to it ....... but i think i would  Rather  hang around  and  bother  people  ...with my incessant rants  ........and  character  assassination of the  human  race ......

So mount Everest......... let me say  good luck to you......... if  That's what you like  to do on your spare  time  ...........mountains ........ like wild  animals  ....... do not  want to be  fucked  with  ......this is  why they are   freezing rotundas..........  and have  storms  beyond  .......which  human  beings  are  not  capable of  surviving ..........although   people  want to roll the dice of  death .......i get  it  ....but i would rather  see it on HD   flat  screen .......

i have to say mount  Everest is  beautiful place .......... although i have heard its been ruined by people  over   visiting  it with trash and such like  surprise  there .......still  there is not shortage of  takers ...... willing   to die  .......i guess there are worse  ways  to die  ....


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......