Thursday, May 25, 2017

china's huge debt problem ..........

China will never  ever  tell the truth .....much  like  a brother  on  a first date .......bullshitting to the  max ........they claim to be honest  ....but they  do not  like ........or  give  a fuck  about the white people  ...........or  any other  people   for that  fact ........however ............ they will use  Mexicans  to  clean  tables  and  wash dishes  in the   all you  can eat buffets ........

they  stick together in their   race  ..........which i  have  no problem  with  ......the big   gripe i have  with  Chinese  people ...... there   stupidity  in  thinking animals  have   no souls .........they are there   for  food ........they will eat anything .......and i mean  anything .........i have  been  to  china   ...and   saw  how  they  treat  animals   ..........with absolutley  no respect ........chinese people  do not  and  have never  trusted  the white man.........but that's    understandable ......... as  the  white   man  has  fucked  .....raped.....stole ....invaded....and  nicked  all sorts  of things  from  people ......especially america and the UK .....

i have  found   Chinese to  be  emotionally cold    race of  human  beings   ....even  the Chic.......still  the  rant is  about   the   Chinese  economy  ....they  keep   building and  spending  to give the appearance  their  economy is  booming ........

China  has  built  airports ......cities ....railways malls........  and   there  is  reportedly  600  million  apartments   lying  vacant in  china  ..........lots of  poverty ......but  that's   not important right ........whole  fucking cities  lying empty   

 So why are those   fucking Syrians  who  want somehwere  to live ........ not   occupying these  cities  ......because they want shit  for  free  and  shit  for  free in china  is  not going to  fucking happen ...........chinese   are  not  good  at free  shit ........

its  a 7000 year old  culture .......a  fucked up one ......... where  men   believe   shark fin........  and  bear  claw  ......... tiger  claws   makes  them   men    ......they all must have micro  Wang's  ........who  believes in all that  fucking shite ......customs   and  all the  bollocks  made  up   by these  old  bastards   from  centuries  .......i hate  that  bollocks   beliefs  and   gods  and  shit ........

but  my greatest hate  for  these   insecure   greedy bastards  is   ivory .......its   narcissistic ............ and  fucking ridiculous  they use  them  for    wax  seals .......... and   are  regarded  as   a  status  symbol    a  huge  animal  killed  to feed   mans   weak  ego  always  .....white  cunts  are  no different ......

still   it will   interesting to see  china   go   tits up  ...............what will happen  to  all the  shit wal mart  makes   ...........although people   will still shop  at that   fucking  bunghole  a  cheap one .........  we  all cannot resist  a  deal .............. at the  expense  of  a Chinese   child  dying of   intoxication  for industrial  chemicals ...........  but we    all   don't think about it as  we  go to the registers   to  buy  our   bargain ..........

Well we can only wonder  what  affect it will have  on  America know the  all consuming  giant rotund  .....more  so  what the  fuck Will women  do .....if there is no  more  shopping ........  china is  in the shitter .......they  should have more  respect  for  life ......... but they only care  about  money ....that's  all .......everything for  one  dollar they say .....that's  all the English  you need to speak  when you come  from   china  to America ...... .......they  all seem to migrate  to dollar stores..........   that  must be the springboard  to learn  engrish


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......