Thursday, May 25, 2017

rants and blogs

I do like to post  rhetoric  on my website  ...of what is  see  ......and the   absolute  insanity of   human beings  ...........and how lost  and controlled  they are .........i do this  because well i like  to  .....for  no other  reason .......its going to  take  more  than me  blogging ......for the world  to wake  up .......i think its  funny the  way human beings  lose  their  mind  and get nuts  for  the  stupidest  shit .......but what i find  more fascinating than  anything is  face book .........a   mindless   platform   made  by a guy in a dorm  ........and billions  are  controlled   by this  mindless    empty  rhetoric .......and how  people  lose their  fucking mind  and get angry ........about face book .........

Mark zucherburg .......must be laughing every single  day of  his  young  life..........  at  what he  has  achieved  ........control over billions of  people lives  they get all  flustered  and upset  about    mere  words .......i will tell you  words  to me   are  weak   powerless  unfounded ............ and highly entertaining on many levels  people  can even  be  bullied   by inanimate   thing ........

Words or  war   .........are  empty  ......but   its  war   .............that you  have to be   wary of  ...........actions  are  deadly    ........any  fucking  drunken    ..........uneducated  fucking  slug ..........   can    make    unfounded  non constructive  remarks.....drunk  fucking  idiots  do it all the time  .........its the  actions  that   have  severity ..........someone  can tell you all day  .....he's is  going   to  slap the piss  out of  you ..............that's easy  talk is  cheap   ......drunk  fools shit..........  all day ........ every  day ....if you believe a  barfly  then you may have bigger  problems than you already  know ........its  when  someone   nails  you  and   knocks  you  to fuck out  .....actions   .......

Politicians  love talking......... and    convincing people ......... they will do  stuff  which  we  all know pure  bollocks    .....Barack  Obama..........  promised he would  fix  the infrastructure  .....and  bridges ....... and  spans  .....the brother ........  talked  shit out of   his   ass .....never  did a  fucking  thing ....roads  are  still fucked  ........  one out  of  two  bridges in  America  are  in  dire   ...........dangerous  state  of  disrepair  ......all  Barack  did ........ was  kill  a  child  every twenty  minutes  with  bombs   .....nice  fucking legacy  ..........enjoy your  biking n  fucking Italy .......hopefully our  new  guy is  not  all  talk ........

However if you find  my blogs are   really really  bad  and disturbing ........your life  might  be  worse  than you  think ....i   say this  to  people  if  my  life is more  interesting than yours ........ .....what  does it tell you about your  existence .....

Life is  short  .........and we  are all here  for a short time   ....some of us   don't  even get  the  privilege  ..........

 here is a  strange thought,,,,,,,,,  that  might inspire you  ......its a fact that the average   human being   sleeps   8hours a   day  ..........this is  what is recommended  for you by that rationale  have slept one  third of your  existence  away   the fact is  by the  time you are   60 .......... are  only 40  really   because ...........sleeping does  count if you die at  60 only have  had  40 years ...........sobering thought  dying young  really is  possible....


i dont believe  this about   words  being ammunition ...........they have no  material essence  all  .......its  all in the mind .......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......