Wednesday, May 24, 2017

not a true brit

I have  to  say  .........when you move  to  another  country me ...i left to move  to America  .........why .......well for  many reasons ........mostly was  an  adventure .........which i found to be  way ......way   different  from  Scottish  culture ..........i had  to  adjust  .....severely ...... in many ......many ways .........and i say this  because of  the  incident  ....involving  the   British  born      terrorist that killed  the     people in Manchester ...........

The point i  am  trying to make is  this  .......when you are in Rome ........ you  have  to live  like  one as  they do ........i hate it when  people  come  to America  ......... and  bring their   fucking culture  with them.........why !!move  here  if you like  your  shitty....  dirty  ......third  world  culture that not why you left your  fucking  bunghole ........

I am not the ambassador  for the  human  race......... or a  role model of  any kind .......i believe in  life  .......on all levels  .......but obviously this   fucking  cowardly  so  called   British  cunt........not a real  Brit  obviously    born  in UK   with      foreign background .........had no  respect  for  the  British  people ......if he  did  ....then he  would not have killed innocent   kids .......

I still maintain to this  day.......  that  the people  of  Scotland  lost their  right  to be  independent   based on the  fact  that   Scotland is  no  longer  Scottish ........its  a mix of  immigrant  mentality ........

Let me put it  another  way  cannot  get  rid  of  what is  inside  you  have  to  adapt .......a dog  will  still  shake a  rag  when you pull with it  ........why  ........well its  predetermined  animal  characteristic ................someone  will always  hang onto their  culture  ............this is why  the  UK  and  America  is  having  these  trouble 

This  British Born  coward   .........  is  not a Brit ........... otherwise .......... he would  not have  killed  these  innocent   kids  having  fun ......he is derived   form   a  culture of  hatred   ...he   has   identity problems   .......he  wants the   unemployment ......and  all the  free  health care  ........ and  still  hates  the people .....want the   stuff  he   can scrounge  a   fucking parasite 

i see it  all the  time in America  ......people  from  different  cultures in America   still wanting the  culture........then  why leave  .......i  left  my   country  Scotland .......  to  England  ........ to  Florida  .......and  now   really  am  not American  ..........but   live here ........  so  adhere  to  American  life  ..............i have no desires  to  tie  myself  to  Scottish  culture  does  nothing for me    .......does  not   pay my  bills  ........people like  the  Scottish  accent   ...... ......big  fucking deal .......i am   not  Representative  of  my country .......tartan  and  cups  o  fucking tea .........and och  aye  the  noo ..........why ...........Scotland  is  a bag of   marbles its  mixed   ..........when i went  to  Edinburgh  .........and  saw  an Indian  gentleman wearing a turban in a  Scottish  souvenir  shop ..........and  saw  a Chinese  guy  wearing a kilt........... also   in a souvenir   shop  ......that is  not authenticity   ..........that's  a   fucker   just selling for  the   sake of   making money ......that's not  culture  or   anything    close ...............

there is  no purity  ............only  when it   comes  to radical    extremism........   from a  dirt poor  third  world  mentality   to   cause  pain and  sorrow one  gives  a fuck!!! ........until  they  wanna  spread  their   ideology onto  o to their   belief  ......then  purity   gets  a hold   simple mind  set  ......and  this  is   how    low  life  cowards  operate   .......

i tend  to tie  everyone   by the  same brush ......until they prove  me  wrong  ......i personally think    99.999999%   of  human  beings  are  total   hypocrites ........they talk out o fBoth sides of  their  mouths.......  as long as  it suits  them its  better  to  keep  the  bar of   expectation low .......  and you will never   be  disappointed  at all .........and  when  they raise   above it  ......they   will make you    see there  is hope  ............after  all  hopes  is  what   keep  dreams   alive  .........without    hope  you  have  nothing  simple  .............

I simply  believe  when you go  to  another  country should  leave  your   culture  at the   doorstep ......... otherwise  why are you  fucking leaving .............if your   fucking culture is  that   good  would  be  there  .......

The whole  reason i left  Scottish  culture ............was  because  they  are  so   backward  in their  religious  hatred    towards  each other  .............its poisonous  and  even goes  into  teaching their  children  the  same  toxic  religious  hatred .....and  into sports   and    many   towns  ..,,,,,,...even  where i  lived  in  Denny ....... scotland  archaic   religious  divide .........  like  nothing  you will see   .............using   football  as  a   tool  to divide a  predominantly  catholic  town .........always  been a   problem  ........religion .........saw  it   even  divide  families ........religion is   used  for   guilt  .......and  division .......... and  of  course  money  ...........otherwise  why is  the  Vatican  so   rich .......... and  two thirds of  its  followers  in pverty   crunch  the  numbers  .......its    easy !!!!!!!! ......

Society  likes  people  to  follow their  rules ....... its  easier  to  be  brainwashed  believe  this is  what you have  to  do.............   because  your  daddy's  daddy  did it ........

Like people say.......... ''I eat chicken  because  i am  black " you don't...........  you eat  chicken  because you  like  it.............  you   simple  minded   fuck .........that's like  me  saying.........i  eat   haggis  because i am  Scottish   ........... no   haggis  is  pure   disgusting ..........i could  easily  say .......i  drink  because i am  Scottish  nope not   need  to drink  ..........i  do not hate  myself  enough to poison myself  to  find  a buzz...........   because  i need  to  feel like i  need  to   be  freed   from normality !!!!!!!.......not  gonna  happen ......

following others   ........or  ...... finding  a  place  where  you  fit  in  will  always  lead  to you  being   insecure .......most people  need  to be liked  ..........   because they  simply hate themselves  .......... its a  fact   jack .........because........... if you like  yourself .......

     you do  not give  a fuck  what others  think .......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......