Wednesday, May 24, 2017
just when you thought ...human beings could not be any more stupid ........
Never ceases to amaze me........... the complete and utter stupidity of human beings is another bunch of empty headed fucks ........well least the one thing is you can do this challenge once .......and if you fail ............hey !!!!!!!your a fuck up ..........your so stupid you cannot even kill yourself ...............proves you should never have been born anyways ........
I know a few people who i wished would join that group .......but hey wishful thinking........
the blue whale challenge .........well its a challenge for young ......mostly i gather stupid empty headed ........ low self hating kids .........or people ....... who want to die is not that bad really !!!!!!.....of course.......... if you want to quit ......your a fucking is why .........i hate the whole suicide deal seems to me that a lot of perfectly ........and mostly healthy people ........ commit ....... hari kari .............and there are little children who would give to be in that position ......... who are dying of cancer ....and yet the selfish people kill themselves .......
Yes i know ........ depression is a disease ........and there is a segment of people who really are fucked up soldiers ......... who come back from war .....but that's Americas fault .......... for them dying .......theses people should not suffer ..........
life is so..... so precious .......and its not that bad ..........i am not sure why people usually .........who like Kurt Cobain ......... and the guy .......... who recently fucked himself up ......... Chris guy from sound garden.......just quit ......what about using all the money you made to go help hungry kids .......or cancer victims like robin Williams .......... no ..........these guys could change the whole thing ..........but no they kill themselves ..........
listen there is a minority of people .......... who are really sick........ and terminally ill .........but famous people who kill themselves......... could have made a remarkable difference.......... but they decided death was better than say helping..........i don't get it ...........probably because i do not see the world is a place to leave ..........
Fame could help stamp out poverty one cares ......its like money is the almighty devil .........none of them leave their wealth to hungry children .........America could be helped out from child poverty .......but the rich dint care ........they just want to get richer ......its true .......the famous one's who give away millions are not doing it for free much does bono need .............obviously he needs it all ....he talks about all the suffering........ but he has hundreds of millions much does a person need ........ its greed ......... selfish that's all ......Leonardo DI caprio ......... talks about world warming ........yet the fucking asshole has six mansions he air conditions ...........nice fucking job Leo ..............why not have one mansion ......... and sell the other and give the money to kids .......... he cant he wont ........its status ......the hypocrisy is epidemic .........we need two yachts two Bentley's ..........two planes ..........merryweather ....... the diminutive bullied boxer another ghetto assed greedy insecure brother ......who has millions .......yet what does he do........ buy more cars he does not need ......... while children are dying of hunger ......
rich people do not want to give up their status.......... because they like being rich........... and above everyone ......... and enjoy all the perks ......they do not care they pretend they go to charity ball...........s and donate......... but its all tax deductible ...............few people care ........... and help do not see the Saudis chip in no the just build another palace ........ and marry another child bride .......
Vladimir Putin is apparently the richest man on the planet .......and lots of Russians live on poverty .........he could solve it but he wont the queen 7.3 trillion .........its a drug or a disease ...........however you pun it .......
The rich will never care to solve poverty and hunger and help the needy ...........and make us all well .........because its just the way it is .....warren buffet .... has all the money to help ....sure he gives some ...... and so does bill gates ........ but they will only leave it all....... when they die ........big fucking deal ........what about now because they wanna be rich ......and he who checks out with the most toys wins .......
Image is everything to rich people ....they love talking about their portfolios.....their investments .......their stock options it not what its all about smoking on phallic cigars ......and talking stocks and options .......... and how they all love to brag about their .success .....their trophy wives ...........who they can drape from their arms to give them a feeling of self worth .....because they are empty inside .........
Why do you think corporations are fucking killing people .........because they have to show their investors ........ who are these guys that they are making money .........and the American dream is to be like that ..........its transcends to greed .......and as Bernie maddoff ........ who made off with lots of rich peoples money said ......"the stupidest people he knew ....... were the greediest of all"............and he proved it he fucked them all maybe Bernie maddoff .......... was not a bad guy after all he taught people a lesson .......
The submitted picture of a pig taking a shit on the toilet .....has no correlation to this blog ......but i thought i would put it in anyways ....
The American dream is about having it all .....but one can have it all .....because with great wealth .......... comes great responsibility ..........the more a man attains the more he is owned by his success........
Ghandi once said ....."a man may spend all his health attaining all his wealth ..........
but in the end he will spend all his wealth ........trying to get back his health ........
international hippie does not care about the grammar cops .....and if you are wondering why its written the way its is .......well becasue i like it ......i am not one of these pople who write to please a bunch of fucking librarians ...........its how i am thinking .......being all full stops and commas and bollocks is just boring ........and its my rants if you have a problem reading it .....maybe you should not .......just a thought ......its my style of writing ......i find it easier .....and i basicaly hate commas and fulls tops much like i hate clowns annd balloons go figure ...........
Listen .........if the republican had been running california......... this would never have happened ...... all the blame lies o...
mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
I mean for fuck's sake who does not like tan lines .......women love them on women love them on women .......they are aweso...
If you are not busy.......need something to read while taking a shit/dump/crap/turd/turkish delight(shite)winnie....winnie the pooh/mister...