Friday, May 26, 2017

Adriana Grandes compassion

I have to say ..........I think the gesture of....... Ariana Grande to pay for the. Funerals of the. Fallen.  Is Incredible me she has proved ......not only is she  A beautiful  Talented singer ........but a caring. Human being .......

I am bewildered at the British born. Spineless coward ..........who hates his own country........... he is not a real Brit.   ...........just.  a spawn of. Third world.  Parents. ........  Otherwise he would never have Contemplated.  ...........such a cowardly attack ........

When your a child born of immigrants into a country .........your still have the Inherent of their culture .......i see it of Chinese. Americans. ....... latin americans ..... And. is my point  ......whena  family here   has  a child  they  get the child  to speak the  mothers  language ......say italian .....spanish    son on and  so forth ......america has  become a  mish mash of cultures ........A. Mish. Mash of cultures ...........i lived in Scotland......... And saw. Scottish. Born. Japanese
.....who speak Scottish. ...........   And so want to be scottish. .......but they. Have the appearance of. A. Japanese   sushi.  Farmer ..........

However  if.  the kids were raised with respect.  ...........And self esteem and self worth. ....... They would not kill themselves .......

b  how much hatred  do you have to have  for yourself to be  a human Bomb. .........For a belief of  Archaiic ideology of stupidity.  .........Lies.  ........And foolish  renderings........... From uneducated  Ignorant........ old drunken.  Fools. Is why the world is  in Such a state

As long as there are weak........ low self esteem....... Self  hating worthless people ........there will always Be  Predators......... ready to use them......... Like religion......... Its a simple fact of truth .........look at religious leaders .....they. prey on the. Weak.  While they live lavish. Lives........

I am glad. Araina Grande. Had. Compassion.  This is proof. Of how.  Genius and talent.  And    respect    pay. Off.........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......