Thursday, May 25, 2017

if you are illegal ...its a risk

I have no problem with what ICE  does ......if you go  to other countries ....... they do not  put  up  with your  ass   staying there   why not  America ......immigrants  treat  America  like a  big old pussy  ...........people  come  here shit out   bastard   kids   ......and  expect to  be  helped  .........try  that shit in Singapore ...... or  some  Arab  countries  ...........funny you do not  see   peole  flooding to   Qatar (apart from peasants ...... who   come  from places  to build  olympic  shit and  stuff  but they get  fucked over by the arabs ,,.......fact) .......Dubai .....Madagascar ....Syria ......Russia.....  (who are open and honestly racist and do not tolerate shit from no one  ) know  why  .....because  they are  not   stupid  like  America .........

I have to say  Americans   get  fucked out of  shit......  while immigrants  get free  shit  ......its  wrong   ......Vets .....get  robbed  of   shit   while  Muslims in Michigan  get     help ........

America is  not a  country .........said it many times   is  a money making rotunda  ......and  Americas  soul  aim is to fuck people  out of  their  money  .......and help the  fuckers  who dint  need  it .......

i was illegal  for  many years  and  had  to     change my status .......  GWB   changed  it  all ........ because of   9/11  inside  job  ...........that's  another    rant sometime .......

Its hypocrisy  go to  somewhere the hamptons  ....and there are some  fine dining  .......... as   American  standards   go   ............because  we  All know  ..........fine  dining in America  is  abortive  ......its  burn and turn  here .......and  even  there .......they have   Mexican or  such like  cleaning   tables ........

Every where i  go ......... there  are  Mexicans   doing shit  work ........but   the  average  white  American would  not  dream of this .......... its  demeaning to them .....we  all  know   immigrants  do shite  work...........  that Americans   are  to  embarrassed  to  do   ..............because of  their image one   would  admit their  son or  daughter  works in a diner  as  a  dishwasher or cleaning tables ........... ..its  embarrassing for  white people   to  admit this ........

Immigrants  do  those low  paying  job  because of  one  reason  .....the  bosses  can  get them  for  cheap well as  we  all know  immigrants  will do   jobs..........  and  take  jobs  of  the lowest  rung in  the   working sector .............why........ well  because they  live ten in a room..........  and   work  together  .........send  money   back  to their  families  in  foreign  countries  to support  them .......they   all  work in a  team  sleep   10 in a room  taking turns  ......... working ......  and    they  call it   bed warmers ..........the  Chinese  and  Indians  do it in  restaurants  they live like  pigs a  house  three  families or even more   ........i have  seen it with my own  eyes .......  they  either    roofing .......or   landscaping ........ and   or  restaurant work  ,.....and   bosses  love the fact they  get  shit  done  cheaply ......why more  money for  them ......and their  family.......  and    mistresses long as  immigrants   keep  coming........... they will work  for a pittance .........  American  biases  love it  .......white people  want  more........   why   well because.......  they are  White ....... and  demand   more  pay ........ and insurance.........  and  this  and that .......

Wal- mart  capitalizes on this  shit  ....... to  an  extent you will not  preys on  desperate  single mums ......... people  who  have no skills  .....and  denies  them  health  benefits   .........with  a  part time  deal will notice  the managers  ...........and  bosses  are  usually white  ...........Its  america  ....its  racist .......... its  business!!!!!!!!...........i have been here  25  years ........ and   noticed  the first week  America..........  it's a  racist ........ money grabbing............  behemoth  .......if you have  not noticed  this ........ then you  head is  up your  fucking ass .......

The patriotic  mentality is pure  bullshit ...........saluting........  and  being all...... USA ........ USA ..........American (incidently  mostly  made in china )flag  should  be........  pints of  blood ....... and   dollar  bills ........proud to be  an  American  ......why......... and  get  fucked out of your  Job ...........and   hand it over  to  a  guy in  India (called mathew or  steven with a foreign accent) ......and china .......what  are you fucking mental .......

America  has  an island ......called  saipan..........they own it .......they bought it  .,......its  a  fucking bunghole of  humanity ........ and  why  did  they buy it........ well  people  there  work for  shit ........... and  they  make  clothing there ........ and its   cheap .......   but its  made in America   .....its  another  business  scam  ......its  full of    foreigners  ........they do not  want you  to know it's  made  there  .......... yep   cheaply ......... its  another   way to  abuse  people .............

Immigration  will always  be  a  problem in America .......and  people leaving filthy.......  low ......... educated  ........dust ridden ........shit  holes ..............and  coming to America  to pursue the  dream  ..........basically its  a  con ....... of    credit  enslavement ....... and   never  ending payments  disguised  as  success ......

The  whole idea of  American  success..........  is   to  get perfect   credit .......and a Job  and buy things  you  cannot afford........  that decrease  in value  every single  day .....apart  from your   mortgage  on your  house ........ which  eventually ........ you pay  5  times  for  ........not including the  taxes  .........and insurance  .......and   all other  shit  thrown in ...........

Still even though America ......... is  a  money hungry ........ racist ......... greedy ........materialistic..........  fucking  bunghole  of  thievery  ...............its  still Americans  right to  get their  money......... rather  it  be  taken  by  immigrants  ...........

But as long as  white  people do not........  and  are  ashamed  do  menial  shit  jobs ........ below   their  mentality.......... there will always  be ...........non  speaking   immigrants  willing to  shovel their  shit ...clean their houses........and clean ther  toilets ..........and  cut their   grass.........  and  clean their  tables..........

                  ............ disclaimer.............   

internationalhippie  believes in equal opportunities   ........this is why ....... we are   equal opportunity offenders .......we will  insult  anyone .......... from a  burger flipper.......  to  a  white  ass........  good old  ......... tyre  kicking in bred.......  sister  fucking.........  mechanic.........  right up to an egostistical  .......... mistress  fucking ........wife  cheating good old  white boy we   cannot  say we are not liberal at all....... 


ICE Officers Dined At Cafe, Then Arrested 3 Of Its Cooks, Owner Says

 Kate Abbey-Lambertz,HuffPost 2 hours 7 minutes ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......