Thursday, May 25, 2017

do people really give a fuck about ben and jerry .....

I have to say.....i have  never  ever .....gave  a  fuck  about Ben and  Jerry's  ice cream .......why .......well .........i am not a great  fan of  ice cream at all .......i am  not a slave to consumerism.... .....and   be  told  by  advertisers  what to eat ..........

First of ........ i  think   its  pretty  shit ....... i  have   eaten  it .....if you  have  eaten one  ice  cream .......i think  you  have   scoffed  them  all...........unless   you are a   chick  with a  heavy   period ....... and scream  ......and   throw  shit..... and  consume a  gallon of  rocky road  bollocks ..........i thought Ben and  Jerry's  was invented  for  mentally  unbalanced  pre- menstrual  chicks  ...........who wore  bad  grey  sweat pants ...... screamed ........  cried  at steel  magnolias .......  and threw  shit at their  bearded  pussy whipped  boyfriends...  ......who cried  with them  like  bitches ........

ice cream  fucking ice  cream .......  and  some  people........ like the  wine  guzzling fuckers.......   say its  great  ........its  mass  produced   bollocks in essence  ..... my point is  .......i do not  give a  fuck  about  Ben  and   Jerrys.......  and as  far  as i am  concerned ........ they  can  both take a  flying    corporate  fuck ...........

however  whine is  about they are  banning ice  cream in the  ever  so  cultured  Australia  ......... you know ........ the  penal  colony .........where  all the  brit  bastards  were sent  to like a prison ........and  then  became a  civilized   fucking  shit hole 

Australia..........  like  America.......  is not that  fucking old  maybe  300 years  ........they say   Australians .........  are   just  British   people  ........with their brains   kicked  in  .........who cares  .....not i  .....they  love their  cricket  ........ and    their  shitty  fosters   beer.........    saying   g'day mate .........i think their  biggest  export was   crocodile  Dundee  .......and  then  fosters .........they   have   outback  steakhouse .......  which  is   about  Australian   as  mickey mouse ........Australian food is   shite ........  its   fried  and  really is  not  what you  would  find .......i have  been  too  many   outbacks  and never  met  an   Aussie  

Well Ben   and  Jerrys........  is  about to  ban ice cream ......... because  of  marriage   equality  ,.,, Australians  really give  a monkies  fuck .......Australia  is  still a  fucking   desert ........  and the place is   fucking  not that great ........i  have been there  ........and the  women  are  not  that  great......... i was  disappointed  when i went  to  bondi  beach..........  and  could not  get on the  beach  for  needles  because of the   heroin  junkies .........Australias   coast is  so  huge  the    drugs  flood  australia ......... and its  full of  Asians   .......and    gangs  .......... frighting for  the      drug trade ........lets  start  shooting and  executing the  users ......... and  the   trade  will  slow   down .............i don't  give  a fuck ......... whether  they  shoot the users  or  both has  to   stop   somewhere .........

So Ben and  Jerry's  ice  cream ...........its loaded  with  fat  and  sugar ......... like  all ice  creams   ......its  packaged  nice  with  all the flavours  ....i have  never  ever   bought it  ......and   i guess  pusyywhipped  guys  have to   ........i think  they are  in tow   with   tampax  ......... the  period  people.........       because ......... when  girls  start  to bleed ............ they eat  that  stuff  like    fucking animals .......maybe   ben and  Jerrys have   clitoris  and  are   hemaphrodites .........

Ice cream......... is  overrated  ......and over priced   its  good  to  shut   kids  to fuck up........  and    use   when your on a  date .........  because  all bitches  want ice cream  .......... you know the  dating ritual  stupidity  .......   for  all the  foolish lovers   .............that's why you see  them  near    ..........where  couples   go know  the  dinner ........ the shopping ....... the ice cream  ......the  coffee  .....all   so  the  guy  can  get laid ......sometimes  not  .......

Ben & Jerry's bans the double scoop until Australia has marriage equality

Social action  4 hours ago
Ben & Jerry’s has announced that it will ban customers at its Australian stores from ordering two scoops of the same ice cream flavour in protest of Australia's inaction on marriage equality. The decision has been met with mixed reaction.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......