Sunday, November 13, 2016

coming to america ........

When you  come to America  ...why do people  want to bring their culture  with them  it not  why you are fleeing from a  shit country.......

I mean  if you really think about it why  do you leave  your  country to go to another  country   ...for  change .....

I left Scotland  to go to  England   ..not a great  transformation by any means ........but i  adapted to the English culture  ,.....

my big left UK to go to south Florida  ....i found it hard  at first ....because of the language  and how they  use  different  terminologies ...for  different  things .....but eventually you have to fore go your  culture .....

Pride   is  closely  tied to cultures .... usually from the male  side of the  culture know the male macho  domination thing ....i get your homesick  but then if you are  homesick  .....fucking go home ......there is always an airport nearby ....

for the longest time i went to  Scottish festivals ..but realized  they were   just an  excuse  for a piss -up ....and  sell goods .....

Donald trump is  American as  apple pie....people are trying to kill Christmas taking the  Christ out of it  why ....because your  dirt bowl has  fucking  another  dude  who you miss ...well as we  have  said  there is a fucking  airport  for your   ass....

America is  young by  other  countries  standard  less than 300 years old ...some  cultures  are  7000 years old ....its like trying to indoctrinate a child ...we  get it  got  some  mystic  shite  going on ...but America   is America ....your  cultures  belong n the fucking shithole  where you left .....

I hated  Scotland  because it was  nothing but  fucking cold as  fuck  rain ...i tried  going  back for  90 days and had  a great experience  from a  great friend  who let me  run his  hotel ........and i have to  say those  were  the  three  months  of summer ......but  i have to say gets  fucking  cold  in  yarrow  valley and the  water  from the mountain it  gets  kind of  uncomfortable in the winter  there 

i still say  if you go  to Sudan or  Qatar or Dubai or Iran  and pull of the  American  shit there  ...your in   deep deep  deep shit ....those bastards  want to come  here  and  do what the   fuck they want  but we  cannot  go there ...that's  my beef ......

i am hoping this will be  change  so America  will get respect ....for people  wanting to destroy this  country ....i get  America is  at war it wrong ....someone  somewhere in this equation is making money .......probably the same people running the  planet ......i have travelled to  Abeu Dubai ..Singapore ...Malaysia...Australia...Hmong Kong .....Thailand  Bangkok...china ....and many parts of Europe  ...and all i took away from my travels must obey their  fucking laws .....Singapore will publicly flog you  for  littering ......doesn't matter  if you are  black or white ...(had to get Michael Jackson in there )

if you  miss your  culture  so  fucking bad ....then get a ticket and  go  back to the shit hole  you left ....i left a  town in Scotland  that   really really   was a  depressing  fucking  toilet with ...cold weather  ...and  no jobs ........

cultures  are just  bullshit  ...all they are  is  ideologies made up  by old  drunk men who fucked and treated women like shit .......  and  usually most cultures  are   about abuse......  and  complete mythical  shite ..... spawned  by old  drunk    bastards  who  were  so  uneducated ....

when a word has the word  cult in it means  brainwashing or  the weak minded  who need  to be told culture  turned out  to be  all  piss  and  shite ....they  all fought many years t be  bonnie  Scotland  and  when they had they  chance they shot out  like pussies .......

tells me  the history of Scotland is  total shite  and no one  has the  balls  to  carry through  for  all what their  families  died  for ...scared about their lives  they will never  know they were  duped and  fucked over  by  England  even  to this  day the  English still fucked  over the Scots  ..their  fault   for  being ruled  by  fuckers ...deserve  all you  get  for  doing nothing to  improve your  lives ....

Anthony Robbins  said ....

people resist  change because they may like the  new  person they have  become ........


  I  not  sure  if the  same  guy   is  running  FEMA   ........... who was   years  ago     but apparently........  it was  a  post given t...