Alaska has a massive drug and alcohol problem shit i mean the place is fucking freezing ....most of the time .....
i am not sure about the rest of you ...but there is nothing really much to do in Alaska ...the only good thing about Alaska is old school hottie governor Sarah palin ......
when you live in cold depressing place ...with bad weather most of the year .....this is the elixir which would make most people drink ......i guess when you live in a shithole ...mostly cold ....nothing to do ..and you have a life you hate .....then drugs and alcohol is the way to numb your existence ......
I personally think alcohol and drugs were created for one reason and one reason only ....... to escape .....i mean nothing beneficial comes out of either one .....apart form the fact it complete de -generates the the body .....
I understand ...... and get it i lived in a shithole when i was younger and stupid .....a place called Denny in Scotland .....there is nothing there ..apart from heroin ...alcohol ....and a great massive lack of jobs lacks amenities on every level ....but one thing Denny does have is pubs .....of course does .....
Alchohol in general is the greatest revenue for the government ,,,,why ....well its quite easy to figure out one thing .....most people hate reality ......simple recipe to be driven to drink ....hating your job....hating where you live ....hating your family life ....constant nagging and working for a job you hate peace constantly ungrateful ....hate your boss ...hate your wife people like that feeling of numbness releases the inhibitions and this is the real person ...freed from misery .....of reality ..........
I have known many people in my existence .....and they have managed to escape the grips of dependency ....and the funniest thing in all of this ....the all tell me the exact same story ...with the exact same ending ....usually some endings are not happy ones ........
my father used to tell me ....if you want to get to know the real person ....get them drunk ......words of wisdom from a great man ..........
Reality is for people who cannot handle drugs ....drugs is for people who cannot handle reality .....i get this ....but i was told this can live life heaven on earth .....or hell on earth all boils down to your perception and the choices you make ......sometimes the choices you make ..have consequences have always got to sacrifice ...friends ...or family ....or cultures ....or sometimes everything in order for salvation ....from something you never ever wanted to be part of .....i personally think ...the price to pay for being free part of life will never ever please anyone by the choices you make .....some people decide ...its easier to stay and just escape though drugs and alcohol ...some decide to flee
Alaska is cold for most of the year .....nothing good ever comes from the cold except.... frozen foods ....ideally great if you have kids and not much time on your hands .....i find polar bears ...seals and penguins (usually how guys are dressed at a wedding ).....are the ones that can handle and live in extreme cold ....although you never see a drunk polar bear i guess those big guys are happy as a pig in a pen ........and i am not sure about the rest of the population ....but cold weather only yields one great thing ......but you need lots of money for ski-ing ....or snowboarding ......however ....the cold is the reason people in Alaska are driven to overwhelming addiction....i have to say ....Alaska much like Africa has never held a massive mystique for me .....i certainly don't like depressing ...... cold ....filthy stinking ...... crime and drug ridden shit holes .....although south flroida does have a few of these negative statistics does have constant sunshine and great weather ,,,..and drugs and alcohol .......but lots of work slutty women ....and its busy All year around ......
but human beings to escape form reality .....however sometimes people cannot find the means to escape to another plain of life ....and sometimes a situation ...or surroundings ..or people block their goals of furthering their dreams they chase their dreams a form of drugs and alcohol.....unfortunately the difference between reality and drugs sometimes its a ticket to another plain .......or when you come down and come back to reality cant wait to escape again ....
reality and drugs have a common bond the real life when you leave ...its up to you when you want to return to misery the world of alcohol and drugs ....its just a matter of time when you return to the place you were running from ....sad part is ...sometimes people don't come back .....that's the difference