Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama asks Congress to green-light war with Syria - Yahoo! News

Obama asks Congress to green-light war with Syria - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this' president obama  is  going to teach syria a lesson without any more  kids  being ..please  there are  more  children  killed  in war   than  there  will be with the  chemical weapons   .......this  does  not  make  sense ...after  all  its  war,you know  business ......

Monday, August 26, 2013

Kerry: U.S. will respond to ‘moral obscenity’ of Syria massacre - Yahoo! News

Kerry: U.S. will respond to ‘moral obscenity’ of Syria massacre - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'...I mean really,.....this is  all  he  could  come  up with  .....does  john  think  everyone  is  so dumb  we  did  not know what the syrians  are doing have  t  be   really  uninformed  not to  know  the syrians  are   fucking shites ......killing children  me a  war  where the govts  give  a  shit about children  dying ....vietnam....afghanistan ...irag....korea...african nations....korea...war is an  equal opportunity killer ....its a business ...this is   why  countries  do it ....if you do not know  this  already  ...then you will have  plenty time to take your  head out your  ass ....

At any given time  there  are approximately 25  wars  going on around  the globe ...and as  well all know  who heads  NATO ......the  very  same  people  taht  are  arms  suppliers  to these  wars  ......not  fucking rocket  science....america will supply arms to whoever  will buy them only have  to watch  the   movie ....LORD OF WAR .....based on the epic  deals of  arms  dealer  viktor  boot of the  big players in the world  of  arms ...graet business  .... not  too  mention  adnan kashoggi ....look at the  arms  deal in the UK  long time  ago  it was  overseen  by  the prime  minister  and  others???....the arms  business  is  bigger  than  all others  legal or  otherwise ....and there  are  no signs of it  dwindling neither  handgun is  produced every 8 seconds  in the USA ............     

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Parents Spend $109,000 on Twins' 1st Birthday | Watch the video - Yahoo! Screen

Parents Spend $109,000 on Twins' 1st Birthday | Watch the video - Yahoo! Screen:

'via Blog this'....Well money  does not really  specify class  as you can tell by this  charade ....i mean there are  thousands of  babies  starving  ,why did  they  not have  a  homeless theme....  and let  hungry  babies enjoy the cake and  whatever  you   eat  at a  100k  baby  party ,what is sad  about this  is the babies(twins ) did not  really get the  full...effect  of the money spent,
Of course it's not about the babies,its to show your friends how much you have to make them jealous ,we all know that  ,much  like the  bhatmitzvahs.....its all about showing your  stature in your  neighbourhood ,your image .....when you are loaded  image is everything ,you want to show  off  what you  have  earned (or whatever  you have done).....oh well it  keeps  party planners  busy ....the money is theirs ,and the kids  will never remember the bash....but they will have a  page in the newspaper............

Thursday, August 15, 2013

'That '70s Show' Star Lisa Robin Kelly Dead at 43 | Yahoo! TV - Yahoo! TV

'That '70s Show' Star Lisa Robin Kelly Dead at 43 | Yahoo! TV - Yahoo! TV:

'via Blog this'.....I guess i will never get the whole fame deal,it seems like the more famous you are ...the more trouble just follows you.
All the time you read about all these people  who have had  careers,checking in and out of alchohol and  drug addiction clinics.....How hard is it to be famous  ,its not like you have to worry about paying you bills,....i will say it has  all to do with  attention,and low self esteem,...if the lights not on them  ,they get must be something about fame,....maybe some people can handle the fame ,like  donald trump.....
Maybe some people have the great confidence like the trump to deal with spotlight....i personally  would not entertain the fact that i can get peace and quiet ,...i think that itself  is priceless..........

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spaceport America Readies to Welcome Space Tourists - Yahoo! News

Spaceport America Readies to Welcome Space Tourists - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'.....Really i am not that interested in flying to space   ...flying to see family is hectic  enough ....stuck in a  flight  going to somewhere  like space nope  ....not interested .....good luck ..will there  be peanuts ?.......

The Pierogi Festival | Watch the video - Yahoo! Screen

The Pierogi Festival | Watch the video - Yahoo! Screen:

'via Blog this'.....I do love pierogi's they are a delicious polish delicacy 'the music is somehwta left to be  desired  ,and the  way the women  dress in those  babooshka's .....a litttle  bit of  a  birth  control  method ,but all n all  i would like to see that  festival one  time ,it does  look  fun...................

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Man converts NYC dumpster into a home - Yahoo! News

Man converts NYC dumpster into a home - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'......Well dumpster living,it might e   a new  trend,especially in NY ,i personally would not pay $2k to live in a dumpster in NY  i mean the rats are bad enough ,and the smell is bad enough ,and not to mention.....its bloody cold in the big apple  but i guess if ya gonna live somewhere it may be  better off than the street .............

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bruce Willis Out, Harrison Ford In For 'The Expendables 3' | Movie Talk - Yahoo! Movies

Bruce Willis Out, Harrison Ford In For 'The Expendables 3' | Movie Talk - Yahoo! Movies:

'via Blog this'......Does anyone really give a flying shit about this  movie ....i will get over it ...yawn!!!!!!!

Pa. Boy Dies After Being Parents' 'Best Man' - Yahoo!

Pa. Boy Dies After Being Parents' 'Best Man' - Yahoo!:

'via Blog this'....I usually try and  stay on a  up beat positive  note in life  but i thought this had  to be shown so  sad ,what  a  shame  some  people,are just dealt a  really bad  hand  this is  the worst must  be  bad  enough  a  baby  dying in her  mothers  arms ...i do think god  has  strange way of showing life  ,but at least the baby will not suffer anymore ......i do hate to see children suffer in any way shape or form ...but now the little  guy  is  at peace heart  goes  out to the parents, i hope they have another  child to ease the pain of  this  loss .............

Japan unveils largest warship since World War II - Yahoo! News

Japan unveils largest warship since World War II - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'......Oh!!! well why  is it a surprise that japan is  building a warship seems  everyone else is  building stuff ,does'nt surprise me in the least.............

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sources: MLB plans to suspend A-Rod through 2014 season - Yahoo! Sports

Sources: MLB plans to suspend A-Rod through 2014 season - Yahoo! Sports:

'via Blog this'....There should be no shock here  ,these  guys  know what they are doing...they risk it all for to be the best ,but there is always a price to pay for  risking it will not be the first ,and i am sure it will not be the last ..........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......