Monday, August 26, 2013

Kerry: U.S. will respond to ‘moral obscenity’ of Syria massacre - Yahoo! News

Kerry: U.S. will respond to ‘moral obscenity’ of Syria massacre - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'...I mean really,.....this is  all  he  could  come  up with  .....does  john  think  everyone  is  so dumb  we  did  not know what the syrians  are doing have  t  be   really  uninformed  not to  know  the syrians  are   fucking shites ......killing children  me a  war  where the govts  give  a  shit about children  dying ....vietnam....afghanistan ...irag....korea...african nations....korea...war is an  equal opportunity killer ....its a business ...this is   why  countries  do it ....if you do not know  this  already  ...then you will have  plenty time to take your  head out your  ass ....

At any given time  there  are approximately 25  wars  going on around  the globe ...and as  well all know  who heads  NATO ......the  very  same  people  taht  are  arms  suppliers  to these  wars  ......not  fucking rocket  science....america will supply arms to whoever  will buy them only have  to watch  the   movie ....LORD OF WAR .....based on the epic  deals of  arms  dealer  viktor  boot of the  big players in the world  of  arms ...graet business  .... not  too  mention  adnan kashoggi ....look at the  arms  deal in the UK  long time  ago  it was  overseen  by  the prime  minister  and  others???....the arms  business  is  bigger  than  all others  legal or  otherwise ....and there  are  no signs of it  dwindling neither  handgun is  produced every 8 seconds  in the USA ............     

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