Monday, January 14, 2013

Obama to gun-control foes: Examine your conscience | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama to gun-control foes: Examine your conscience | The Ticket - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this' know people have  children and  maybe  if they spent more time  on them  rather on their  lost teenage  years  and   worrying about all the bullshit around know   kids  know when their  kids  are asswipes and  do not care  and troubled  kids  are the ones  that shoot up places  ....bad  parents  bad  kids  .....
when parents have kids  they  can never  ne left alone  ever thats  the whole  idea ...latch key kids ,..... that are    left alone in rooms  with  pc,s  does not mean they are  fine   sometimes  they are  getting up to no good  .....
a child is  for  life  sometimes  for  ever  in some cases 

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