Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lady Gaga’s Controversial Assault Rifle Bra | omg! Celeb News - Yahoo! omg!

Lady Gaga’s Controversial Assault Rifle Bra | omg! Celeb News - Yahoo! omg!:

'via Blog this'

used  to like this  bitch, but when you spend 200 k  on a  dead  animal skin  ...when 1 in 3  kids are  waking up starving ....but hey  its  not her  fault  ,she is  just another  rich girl  making a  statement   ....maybe her  fans should boycott  her  music ....but hey its  america  ,its the   land of the  free ....but not the home of the brave ......well free  as  long as it does  not involve  someone  getting  involved....the rich and  famous  ...oh how they wannabee  liked  by  millions ...well you  could  start  by  helping  child  hunger .....

this is  2013 ,and it absolutely horrific  that children are  staving in a  country  saturated in  oppulence ,but the greedy and the needy are   two different stages ....sure  you can be  a self  absorbed  drunk low self  esteem actress and  make yourself  look  humane  by adopting a child form a  country  whose  name  they probably cannot spell ....but not own their  own  doorstep ...because  these  low life  famers .......know  bad  publicity is  better than none  at all ....shows  how  much  brains they have  ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......