Saturday, January 26, 2013

A $1 million luxury vehicle designed for China's year of the snake - Yahoo! Autos

A $1 million luxury vehicle designed for China's year of the snake - Yahoo! Autos:

'via Blog this' is  one  hell of  a car  you might  say or not  depending or you  amount of  cash you have  in your  wallet ,....or how  macho you are  ....or  how   much attention you need .....but one  ting  does  bother me   about this  car  is  the seats ......seats are  seat you may   say,but in this c ar the saet  are  made out  of  whale  foreskin......why  would you   want seat   made out of a  whales   penis ....that to me  signifies   you  are  really desperate  for attention and  need  a new high in life  ,and you  do not acre   anything about  animals.....i am thinking for  a million   ,......why  not   have  human  foreskin, and look like the hard -on that you really are  .........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......