Friday, January 25, 2013

Kristen Bell is Pregnant! |

Kristen Bell is Pregnant! |

'via Blog this'......Now here is a woman that ,has  self  esteem ,you know  she is  glowing in confidence...maybe  some  women should take a leaf out of  her  book ...she has nothing to prove know you get these  women  spouting off about  the pain of  having children ...or  do it  au natural...... worried about the  kid will be  affected ...or the worst these  mentally retarded who schedule   c section and   tummy tucks  with their sick is that its   fact(apparently its big in new york ...well we all know  these people  have no time  too  busy  making money so they  can afford to live  in the most overrated  overpriced  rat infested  city...but we  all know its for the opera  minded , egotistical crowd who like to tell you they live there because new york is the best place to live ....!!!!!) know  there is  nothing better  than self  esteem..... .that's  right  if  people  stop having  egos......... the world  might start to be a better  place .....................


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......