Thursday, August 2, 2012

macauley culkin addicted to heroin ....!!!!!

Well one of the tabloids has  reported  that macauley  caulkin,..... may be  addicted to heroin or  prescription drugs.....!!!!!really...i mean a  famous actor who has  not really had  a decent acting gig since part monster  or  whatever!!!!! there  fricking tabloid whores  are mental ......

Like he  will be  a  revelation ,listen up  ,he is  an  actor and  rich and probably bored  living in his penthouse most of the  dysfunctional hollywoodesque/washed up......why not they can  afford it

I think if you take away  heroin and prescription drugs  for m hollywood  there  would be  nothing....don't get me wrong this fucker w as  funny  in  home  alone and good  in party monster ....but they all have their  days.....some actors  are  mono  and  can only have  a few  side  .....its  hard  being in the realms of  christian slater  /johnny depp /nicholas cage/di caprio/ on and so forth.......

but how many actors are really straight and  clean more ways  than  one ?........................its  like  comes  with the territory..

Any musician will tell you , sex drugs and  rock and  roll  its  a package  deal ,for  being a musician  ......some  have survived ...... the smart one   are still  doing good  ....but  some of the greats have  fallen by the wayside , and  may they rest in peace ...we have lost  absolute  icons to this sordid  life,  but  its a price  to pay  for  being a  god at what you  do ......

I am  not surprised/shocked or quite honestly care  a fuck about  Macaulay  culkin ,its not like he is the kid in home alone anymore ,he is an  adult ,and knows  what he is  doing ,.....he  probably does like  doing a baggy ...well you can understand,whats  after  mila  kunis , and  who could  blame  him  have you seen her in ted  (the movie)   ....holy  fricking crap........!!!!!

Maybe  he is  reminiscing about porking the russkie  hottie...... and  why not ....but  so  home  alone  or  not  ....he  will soon  find  out  how good  he is  ...or maybe  he  will join the other ....its his life ....

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......