Thursday, August 2, 2012

taxing the athletes ....this is absurd .......

I am not  sure about you , but i think this is absurd ,taxing the athletes  who  perform ..superhuman  sports  all in the name of  the good old  USA ....

Now  somewhere there is a fucker  ,behind  this  deal, and what a fucker they/he /she  is ...... someone  has  gotten to have  dreamed  up this  pile ....and of  course  if it was their  kids  would they like it  .....

No its  some  lobbyist /lazy ass no good  piece of  human excrement ....who has  nothing  better  to do  with his /her  silver spooned  education  but to come up with a rule   to tax  athletes .....

of course USA, the dirt bag of the biggest economic  engine,  is  not happy enough sending  some  young  abnormally athletic  amazing individuals , to perform and bring back medals .....but taxing them  ...who are these  fricking parasite..........  i hope they get  run over .....

barock obama  could  step in right now..... and null  this   ....but of course its  money, and  we   all know  the   legend  of American  greed ...

here  is   a  fusion ,of  absolute amazing human being .....  representing a country  that  is   a  total sham   ..if  i was  American i would be  pissed .......and   embarrassed,  at this  charade  of  total  hypocrisy  ...this  is  about  pride , hard  work , and   for what , to get  slammed , by  a   govt who is  a   greedy  obnoxious  self  righteous  war monger ..

Who ever  came  up with this , deserves  to be  fricking slammed  straight in the eye  socket  and then  left for a  few  days in pain   no sympathy  for these  slugs  in govt ..........

These  are  immortals .... that have  sacrificed a  lot  ,a hell of  a lot   ...sure they get recognition  but they should also get a pass ....pure and  simple if's and's or buts

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