Thursday, August 2, 2012

crop circles what a a load of bollocks

If you do not already know , that crop circles,are done by pranksters ....all this  confusion about alien ,or magnetic  field bollocks .......its basically a  few people  with a  few  boards and some  imagination ,,,

There is nothing outer space about crop  circles  ,of  course  if you  need  drama  and  but into it  ...its all good  ...but  its  done  with a   few  people  a  diagram and  some  wooden boards .....

Crop circles, have been around in England  for   ever,  and  ever  ...but it's  people  just  expressing their  artistic  abilities...... and  messing with farmers , that's  all .......aliens !!!!!! nah  go watch a movie  ...

if  you need  to see  aliens ..... well there is  that dumb ass  tom Cruise, and the  weirdo  john Travolta , and the Scientology  wacko daddies ....
they have their spaceship parked in clear water  somewhere .............

there  has  been no  evidence of this  being done  ...some people  have  a need  to  show off , and why not in a  corn Field .....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......