Tuesday, July 31, 2012

michael vick wants to buy his kid a dog ...are you shitting me !!!!!

Michael vick wants to buy his kid a  dog.......a dog killer  .does not matter  whether he served his time or not ...this fucker should not be allowed  to own a  dog he is a  criminal....pure and  simple ...

I do not give a  rats  ass , whether  or not he is a  great  football player .....he is  a dog killer  pure and  simple.....

Will he  tell his son he is a dog killing piece of shit.....or will he do what parents like to do, is lie to their  kids  ......

I bet this  spineless  turd  does not have  the  guts to tell his  son he is a dog killing filthbag ...he will always  be a dogkiling slug  nothing changes  you are what you are..............

Money and time  does not change  anything  redemption is  never  gone its with you always  ......i am sure thee will be people  saying yep okay  i think he  should tell his  kids  he is a murderer  pure and simple and then see what the kid  says ...i have  no  sympathy for this  pig!!!!!!!!!!!!...........  

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