Tuesday, July 31, 2012

parents leaving their kids in hot cars ...........

I find it hard to believe,that  parent can  leave a  child in a  hot car....what the hell is wrong with these  people....

There is no  excuse  for  leaving a kid in a  car  ...if you are a  parent you have got be  vigil.....i think this  should be an automatic  jail sentence ....this  is  child abuse  pure and  simple......

Now you have these  parents that say how did they forget their  kid ...please...how  can you forget a  child  are you  that  retarded ...what a  kind of  parent  are they ....

You have parents saying the have to think about bills and work and  stuff ..well do not have a baby then if you  cannot  keep your mind on your kid ......no excuse . 

In 2011 33 kids  died  after  being left in cars .....

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OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............

  Well god dam jesus christ son of a  carpentero ..........really what a  fucking lsoer   and  they expect this guy to  go  straight into a ...