Monday, July 30, 2012

sore loser....... being in the olympic team is an acheivemnt itself

I am not sure what the big deal is,the gymnast being upset at losing,all i can say if you get the to the Olympics ,you're fricking awesome ......

Crying because you lost, makes you look like a fricking whiner...or a little bitch cannot win  all the time......

people that are  bad losers,  are the worst,... they set themselves up for a world of  disappointment and are never  happy.....

shit!!!!!! ..... i would be glad just to have made it to the  Olympics , ...never  mind  being in the team ...just getting to the crowd ......

but this is why sports people  are bad  losers ,i play tennis  ,i never  win all the time  but i love the sport ...this is why  roger federer  is  a  great  sportsman  because he loves  the game  .....the  fact is that he is  fricking good  helps a  lot   ....

I do  love  sports , but the reason is  why i never   became  good,  is  lack of  dedication and  wanting to win....its all good   ...i have been playing tennis  for many years , and  love playing ...not won too much  so that has  to tell you i am not that  good  .....more  sneaky than anything .....

life is short ,and losing at anything is not failure ....not trying is failure ......

i applaud anyone that makes it to the Olympics....and participates ....but crying only makes you look a worse loser ......

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